Seamas profile picture


I love me Some JESUS!!!

About Me

I'm a totally awesome person who is friendly and worth knowing. Or at least that's what others have said. I like to party, don't drink or smoke but I like to be there for my friends if they need something. I love Jesus and he's the one who keeps me away from bad stuff like that, so praise his name! I love God as well and I'm going to be in a Christian Praise/Worship band but we don't have a name yet. If you have an idea send it to me! My bestest friend is Bernadette Cortez!! She is the sweetest girl EVER!! I love music and I love my friends.

My Interests

God, Music, Martial Arts, Acting and ART!!! I also love Chrysalis and Hanging out with friends :)

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


Breaking Benjamin, Goldfinger, Green Day, Coldplay, Third Day, Newsboys and.... Horizontal Orange and Foxy Shazam


Man... Milo + Otis, Spiderman 1+2, Boondock Saints, The Notebook, You've got mail, Mr. + Mrs. Smith, Snatch, The Last Samurai, Hashalaka and SO MANY MORE i can't htink of off the top of my head. Coach Carter is an AWESOME movie


A bunch of cartoons, considering I'm going to be a cartoonist.


I heard frank Perretti was great, so I'm going to read his books, and besides that I like The Abarat, The Lord of the Rings sets, then my Fav. THE BIBLE!!! Woot!


Jesus, because he loved everyone enough to die on the cross for their sins. And myself, because I can't be anyone else and no one can be me.