Community of Learners got together in October 2005. Jacob, from sunny Wellingborough in Northamptonshire, came from a previous band called Yossarian, whose members are now sadly sprinkled across the land. Chris's bandmates from Team A vs Team B and Alba Nova left these sheltered streets last year, but both bands are very much alive and well, playing gigs all over the place. Check them out! Andy had been looking for a band for ages to no avail after having been in a few bands back home, until he heard the call to sticks put out by Jacob last October... And thus in the climb of a hill and the blink of an eye, Community of Learners was formed. Since then we have been practicing in the living room of an abandoned cottage next to a chapel, exploring the wonders of synths, dual xylophones and scary silent parts in songs. Now we have a set of songs to play, to all who will listen!IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO PUT ON A GIG, FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US VIA:
[email protected]