[?][briDgette][?] profile picture


i LOve you GirMo.. YOu are my ♥. Sleep With the Angels..

About Me

Okay so i am tired of all these weridos writting me .. and bugging me so i made a new myspace.. and i tried to add all the people i liked but i got tired.. so yeah i give up.. if you want to keep intouch with me.. the you can find me under the email. [email protected] pic should look like this:0k!is my naMe....♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥HMmM . ? . ? IM A reALLy LOViNG PErsON. i ♥ KiSSez&huGz.. i ♥ my FrieNdz all of tHEm.. Exspcially:3 I ♥ candy | | | ♥ mY PRetEnd sisTaz♥ | | | I ♥ Boyz 4hMm: manY PEopLE teLL me thAt im doWn2Earth bUT idk i tRy 2 be huMbLE!I HAte FigHting and ArguiNG but i stiLL do it n-E-way..i DisLike Rude PeopLE but i LOVE sweeT peoPLEim a Fool 4 LOVE .. Like its hArd 2 "win" my love but when you hAVe my heaRt im ♥hookedI ♥ 2 eAT chEEtos and waTch TV aLL day. My fav. shoW is AmeriCas NExt Top MODeL-S0ccEr -Dancing -poeTry -chaSing Boyz -waTchin Movies -sinGiNg & -shopPing ♥R things i do 2 PAss time ??WeLL thAts aLL ab0UT me...So if YOU waNNa KNOW moRe theN just aSk ME... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥♥ ♥Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Click here to get Falling Objects Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

My Interests

I ♥ Shopping I ♥ ButTerFLiez I ♥ Soccer I ♥ Singing I ♥ Dancing I ♥Partying I ♥ SHoPPing I ♥boyz I ♥ LOVE! I ♥shoes I ♥P!nk I ♥Talking on the Phone I ♥Makin new friends I ♥shopping I ♥muSic I ♥bubble baths I ♥bubble gum I ♥Gold jewlery or belts I ♥purses but most of all .. I ♥ My FamiLy..aNd GOD of course & oh yeah by the way: uMmm.. did i say ♥ SHOPPING!

I'd like to meet:

♥Tyra Banks is awsomeI ♥ Mariah's voiceP!nk.. ♥ love the coloR and her attitudeHe is so HOt ♥.. -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from MySpace.com -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!


♥ MaRiah CaREy "anythiMg by her" ♥ CiarA "Thug StyLe" ♥ AMeRie "Not the only onE" ♥ AaLiyaH "Are you that Somebody" ♥ IncuBus "Drive" ♥ Maro0n 5 "This Love" ♥ PiNk "God is a Dj" ♥ GweN StEpHanie "BuBble Pop Electric" ♥ Fall OUt Boy "Sugar Were Goin dowN" ♥ My chEmicAl R0maNce "Im Not Okay" ♥ BobBy ValenTin0 "Slow Down" ♥ NEllY "Hot in HerrE" ♥ N.E.R.D "She wantS to moVe" ♥ TyrEse "sweeT Lady"♥ BlaCk EyeD PeAs "ShuT up" ♥ LauReN HiLL "Anything by Her" ♥ No DouBT "Ex-Girlfriend" "SpiderWebs" ♥ TaMia "Officially Missing you" ♥ JeNNiFeR LoPeZ "If you had my Love' "im gonna be alright" ♥ INDia ARie "ready for love' ♥ MoNiCa "StreeT sympHony" ♥ BRaNDy "whO is she to YOu" ♥ TuPaC "CaliforNia LOve" ♥ CHRiSTiNa AgUiLeRA "Infatuation" ♥ ALL AMeRiCaN ReJeCTS "swing SwiNg SwiNG" ♥ SHaKiRa "Tortura"AND hMM.. anyTHinG iNSpIRiNG... OR juSt GOOd TO LiSTeN TO..


My favorite movies are Horror and Comedy but i exspecially love the ones that are ROMANTIC and just make you CRy....
Site Title . . . . . . . ..set . ..set ..set
Your Eyes Should Be Green
Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger

What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world What Color Should Your Eyes Be?


itz aLL abOut realWORld baBY


My♥ mOmmY

My Blog

Life is SexxXXXy

HUh.. so yeah i am sitting here thinking about everything i have went through in the past years.. and i am ready to move forward in life and start a new begining as an ADULT... cause FINALLY.... im 18...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 05:51:00 PST

HmMm ,....Just something RanDom

HMmmMm.. what to say what to say.. ?? Well life is as we know it .. just flyin bye... and we are viewing a new world with suttle changes every year.. well im hitting the  big 17 this year.. ...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 01:24:00 PST

soMEtimEs soMethinGZ arE JUST madE cOMPLicateD (reAd if you WAnt)

sometimes i just dont get why people act certain ways or do certain things.. i mean i dont like to judge.. but i just get curious.. Sometimes at night i sit and wonder why Some people act to immature,...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 01:31:00 PST

haha... :Questions to get to kNOw me: .. haha

Where was my first Kiss...?? it was in the rain with my 7 th grade boyfriend .. hmm.. for some reason alot of my kisses end up that way.. What Actor or Actress would you most like to do an on sc...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Crushin sucks.. butt i think im kinda over it

haha yes oh yes crushin sucks... haha but you know what i dont htink that im crushin that much anymore.. hahah but yeah so im open to date.. lets see if i have any luck finding someone good huh.. haha...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Haha Crushin Sucks... haha (read if you want.. )

OMg omg man crushin sucks.. haha Like i have this huge crush on someone that doesnt even know it.. and i need some advice... like i think that this person may like me but im not sure.. you know .. wha...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What type of Sexy R U....???

You Are Confident Sexy You're one sexy chica, and you know it. You've got the confidence to strut your stuff... And approach any man who happens to catch your eye. You may make a guys run aw...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Some KNowledge....

HAha i onCe saw a mOVie named "Moulin ROuge" that hopefully someday will becoma a musical CLassic.. haha .. it was great it showed.. Power, Truth, Beauty, but most of all LOve.. Well to be more specif...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What it Takes to BEE with ME>>

About 3 nights ago i was talking to a REALLY REALLY GOOD FRIEND of mine. (for a long time...) named Jerry Herenandez.. he is so flippin cool I LUV that GUY.. haha N e ways... well, he started blah'in ...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

DMV haha

0mg i took my driving test the other day and i like did so good for my first tim eever not driving you know haha.. and like i freaken ROCKED>. ha ha im like so proud of myself.. it is great.. haha OMG...
Posted by [e][briDgette][e] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST