I ♥ Shopping I ♥ ButTerFLiez I ♥ Soccer I ♥ Singing I ♥ Dancing I ♥Partying I ♥ SHoPPing I ♥boyz I ♥ LOVE! I ♥shoes I ♥P!nk I ♥Talking on the Phone I ♥Makin new friends I ♥shopping I ♥muSic I ♥bubble baths I ♥bubble gum I ♥Gold jewlery or belts I ♥purses but most of all .. I ♥ My FamiLy..aNd GOD of course & oh yeah by the way: uMmm.. did i say ♥ SHOPPING!
♥Tyra Banks is awsomeI ♥ Mariah's voiceP!nk.. ♥ love the coloR and her attitudeHe is so HOt ♥.. -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from MySpace.com -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
♥ MaRiah CaREy "anythiMg by her" ♥ CiarA "Thug StyLe" ♥ AMeRie "Not the only onE" ♥ AaLiyaH "Are you that Somebody" ♥ IncuBus "Drive" ♥ Maro0n 5 "This Love" ♥ PiNk "God is a Dj" ♥ GweN StEpHanie "BuBble Pop Electric" ♥ Fall OUt Boy "Sugar Were Goin dowN" ♥ My chEmicAl R0maNce "Im Not Okay" ♥ BobBy ValenTin0 "Slow Down" ♥ NEllY "Hot in HerrE" ♥ N.E.R.D "She wantS to moVe" ♥ TyrEse "sweeT Lady"♥ BlaCk EyeD PeAs "ShuT up" ♥ LauReN HiLL "Anything by Her" ♥ No DouBT "Ex-Girlfriend" "SpiderWebs" ♥ TaMia "Officially Missing you" ♥ JeNNiFeR LoPeZ "If you had my Love' "im gonna be alright" ♥ INDia ARie "ready for love' ♥ MoNiCa "StreeT sympHony" ♥ BRaNDy "whO is she to YOu" ♥ TuPaC "CaliforNia LOve" ♥ CHRiSTiNa AgUiLeRA "Infatuation" ♥ ALL AMeRiCaN ReJeCTS "swing SwiNg SwiNG" ♥ SHaKiRa "Tortura"AND hMM.. anyTHinG iNSpIRiNG... OR juSt GOOd TO LiSTeN TO..
My favorite movies are Horror and Comedy but i exspecially love the ones that are ROMANTIC and just make you CRy....
Site Title
Your Eyes Should Be Green
Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger
What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world
What Color Should Your Eyes Be?
itz aLL abOut realWORld
My♥ mOmmY