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I am here for Networking

About Me

I am an Egyptian Queen born in Mount-Real, currently living in France trying to do my best in all the projects I take on!!!I am extremely grateful for I have a beautiful, generous and sportive family that have allowed me to grow and blossom into the wombman I am today. I just hope that I will be able to give my kids all what my parents have given me! I also have the most precious sister in the world; she’s my patner fo real. I share my life with my lion from Zaire. These people have given so much; GUIDANCE, UNDERSTANDING and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and for that I will always be grateful!On a more personal side, I love to meet different peoples from different walks of life. I believe that every single person will contribute to your growth and I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and positive teachings. I love to travel and discover new perspectives, new realities and new cultures. I TRY my best to live righteously, to learn more about my Self, identify my weaknesses and improve. The hardest thing for me is to be unaffected by the opinion of others and by superficial things…I love to be surrounded by the people I love, prepare meals for them, enjoy a nice bottle of wine and a spliff with them. But I also need my quiet time to unwind and put my day into perspective. On the professional side of things, I work for the promotion of sustainable use of water resources in Egypt and in Africa in general. I will return to the homeland very soon!At this point in my life I am just seeking to grow, to learn as much as I can and to become a better person everyday.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All people who try to improve their situation and grow.LUCKY DUBE-Earth lost a great man-Heaven gained an angel R.I.P.Cheikh Anta DiopÀ TOUS LES POLITICIENS!!!! TO ALL POLITICIANS!!!!!Myspace Backgrounds

My Blog

PARIS EXPULSION AVION ( faites passer a tous les freres de la DIASPORA)

PARIS EXPULSION AVION ( faites passer a tous les freres de la DIASPORA)C'EST UN COMBAT POUR L'ETRE NOIRPosté par Jlow le 09/05/2008 13:36 Bonjour à tous ! Je vous envoie ce message de Mons en Belgique...
Posted by on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:22:00 GMT


3 Detectives in Bell Shooting Acquitted I CAN'T BELIEVE IT... "Three detectives were found not guilty Friday morning on all charges in the November 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell, who died in a hai...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:40:00 GMT

What will they invent next...

  Conflict follows device that drives away teen loiterers   http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/04/23/teen.be.gone.ap/index.htm l NEW YORK (AP) -- A wall-mounted gadget designed to drive away loite...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:32:00 GMT

Darfour: cinq ans de conflit

Et rien n'a changé depuis... Beaucoup de paroles et de promesses, mais les Darfouris vivent toujours dans la terreur... Chaque semaine encore, des milliers de personnes fuient leur foyer et trouvent r...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:06:00 GMT

Aimé Césaire n’est plus. Que Dieu ait son âme.

Aimé Césaire   Discours sur le colonialisme     « Il faudrait d'abord étudier comment la colonisation travaille à déciviliser le colonisateur, à l'abrutir au sens propre du mot, à ...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:41:00 GMT

Mes prières sont avec toi Aimé Césaire

Extrait - Cahier d'un retour au pays natal  Il me suffirait d'une gorgée de ton lait jiculi pour qu'en toi je découvre toujours à même distance de mirage - mille fois plus natale et dorée d...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:09:00 GMT

À méditer......

« On dit des africains qu'ils ne sont pas prêts pour la démocratie, alors je m'interroge : ont-ils jamais été prêts pour la dictature ? » Wole SOYINKA 
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:57:00 GMT

What’s worst???

Let’s compare the spiritual leaders of the main candidates: In OBAMA’S corner: Jeremiah Wright: - "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in Ne...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:50:00 GMT

La guerre en Irak

Trois mille milliards de dollars, le coût de la guerre en Irak selon Joseph Stiglitz LEMONDE.FR | 28.02.08 | 15h26  "  Mis à jour le 28.02.08 | 15h26 ombien coûte la guerre en Ira...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:12:00 GMT

Excellent article de Tariq Ramadan paru dans "le Monde"

Point de vue Israël, le sens d'un boycottage, par Tariq Ramadan LE MONDE | 28.02.08 | 13h59  "  Mis à jour le 28.02.08 | 13h59 epuis des semaines, les médias italiens se sont mob...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:07:00 GMT