There's not much to say. I'm Kelly. I'm loud and obnoxious. I've had the same best friend for 16 years and I love her. I don't try to please anyone. I'm smart but I don't work as hard as I should. I'm lazy. Bring me Dr. Pepper & spaghettios and I will fall in love with you. I'm not high maintenance. I hate high heels. If you want to hang out with me you should know Mario Party. N64 & Gamecube are the only ways I roll. If you don't like to talk about or listen to music don't bother. I will love you forever if you ask me to play the lyric game. My favorite color is hot pink. I am a sophomore at Bridgewater State and I love it. Once I graduate I'm moving out to go to law school in Cali. I would do anything for my friends. And I mean anything. I am a sister of Gamma Phi Beta. I love my dymes. big. family. mom & ass mom. sisters.oh and I have the best boyfriend ever, who without I would probably skip all my classes and sleep my life away