Dana profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well first of, im a mother, but we all knew that.. i got 3 silly kids, Cody 7, Tyler 5 and Janna 2. I love fine wines, like Boones Farm Strawberry Hill. I like water of all kinds, especially the type that requires a toob and a case of beer. I like rainstorms. I have a great sense of humor, love to make and watch people laugh. In my spare time i like to work on my Ipod, watch stupid Sci Fi movies with my boyfriend,and help all my crazy friends with all there crazy issues. I should totally get paid for that shit too, seriously. But , for the most part im a laid back chick that hates chaos and drama of all kinds, (even if i create it lol) and you can usually find me parked in front of my Laptop and/or chasing my kids at the walking park...Myspace Graphics
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My Interests

I like teh internets. I like to go outside. I like to play with my kids, go fishing, ride rollercoasters, long drunk walks on the beach.. ect..

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp so i can touch him. *droool*


OHhh i like all kinds..i cant pick a fav :) i like ..hmm lets see ,ill look in my music folder, i have a little, led zepplin, black eyed peas, NIN, Rascal Flatts, Ludacris, Bon Jovi, Korn, Bubba Sparxxx, Chemical Brothers, Raul Malo.. i think you get the idea .. hehe ill prolly have a new song every time anyone looks at this page !
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Princess Bride, Dumb and Dumber, Bram Stokers Dracula, Pirates of the Carribean, Count of MonteCristo


Right now im addicted to Lost and Heroes. Stupid TV. lol


i dont read much, but i have read a few books ;) Recently ive Read the Harry Potter series... VERY Good! Also Dan Browns Da Vinci code, and Angels and Demons, both excellent, and the Left Behind Series.. im STILL not done with that.. lol


My gramma, she was super sweet

My Blog

My First Mile

So i did it! FINALLY i ran a complete mile , nonstop. took me 10 mins :) i feel so good about it. :)  I know some of you are runners and will proably laugh at my little accomplishment, but runnin...
Posted by Dana on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 06:27:00 PST

My New Shoes

I got new shoes today! and they are running shoes (check out the pics)   i feel like forrest gump but this has been a very important and major purchase for me. As some of you might know, ive...
Posted by Dana on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 02:39:00 PST