Pete profile picture



About Me

Well, the mugshots were fun, and I even had another picked out with a persona to go with it, but I dont feel like messin with it.

I might fill out more here later, if the proper mood strikes me--sleep deprivation usually leads to entertaining writing. People really aren't too interested in reading this stuff anyway, they're more interested in writing it, feeling that the mundane details of their lives are of interest to other people. I don't think I've ever finished reading an "about me" section, they're all pretty bad. And yes, that includes yours.

My Interests

some other time

Actually, I'm interested in knowing why my DSL cuts out all the time. Fucking Bellsouth.

I'd like to meet:

some other time


Old Music. New stuff blows. Classic rock mostly, but anything by Bach with a cello is a gift of paradise. He wasn't bad with a violin either.


Gotta give kudos to the Coehn bros for making an accurate movie version of a book by one of my favorite authors. Now I'd like to see them do Blood Meridian. They'd need to invent a new rating system for that movie if it was ever made, though.


Discovery channel, Military channel, History channel, Science channel.

Only series still being made I like is Dexter. Well, 24 and The Shield are alright.

Of course, I have to mention my love for Rome. It was the best show in the history of television, and will likely be the best show ever on television. Another show that might be better may come out in the far future, but by that time I expect that there will be some other weird future device that people will be watching instead of TV. As a matter of fact, I believe that Sony just took out a patent titled "Weird future device that will take the place of TV". I can't wait!


I'll start reading anything. Wont finish the bad stuff though, like the Michael Crighton book I got as a gift not too long ago. Man, it sucked.


Still Zaphod Beeblebrox. The book version that is, that movie was an abomination.