Mrs. Winters! profile picture

Mrs. Winters!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

WE ARE MARRIED!! I can't wait to kick back with a cold drink somewhere in the middle of the ocean and breathe deep and RELAX- if thats possible:) I am so excited i love derek so much, he is the best person in the whole world!I am an aunt for the 4th time and he is perfect, his name is Julian Nathaniel and let me warn you now he is adorable in everyway possible so now thats 3 beautiful girls thanks to steph and one adorable baby boy from nadine you bet your ass those kids are spoiled ...i love to go fishing with derek or work on the house ( haha yes i do like to paint)going to shows at carlise and concerts and parties ...i love hanging out with my friends...the best party in the world is in keri's woods...miss amy..timmy crank...dan...heidi...haha a load of other people- i miss ya!...i love the beach but i love the mountains...we just keep working for that peterbuilt rollin down the road and that cabin in the woods...someday baby..thats about it ...for those of you who can't find anything better to do that bother other people-KISS MY ASS i really miss my grandparents my cousin ray :'(... may they rest in peace...We will keep hoping and praying for the troops...UNTIL THEY ALL COME HOME!

Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

finshing up college...doin something that i want to do for the rest of my life ...pretty much anything i can find to do...i like to be outside, i love the farm and i love most animals (not a rodent fan) spending time with the family and my dogs...watching the occasional movie and writing ...settling down and having some babies with mr. winters :) not in the near future but its something we are looking forward to
You scored as cowboy/cowgirl. you are a cowboy/cowgirl. you listen to george strait and chris ledoux and likley love the rodeo.

farm boy/ farm girl




Southern Reble


White trash

what type of redneck are you
created with

I'd like to meet:

family members who are no longer with us, there are people who i have known and lost - a brother of an awesome friend, keri's mom she really was the best, my grandparents- i really miss them, my cousin me we miss you man,ANDDDDDDDD there are people i have not yet met including our kids ( we'll get around to that sooner or later there are none here yet!) but i have already met the man of my dreams...he has more faith in me than anyone has ever found
Full Name: barbara colleen
Eyes: hazel
Hair: dirty blonde
Have tattoos?: not yet
Have piercings?: just the ears
Have a BF GF? yes
Own a thong? : tons of them
Wear perfume?: always
Missed school because it was raining: ya...sounds like a good exscuse
Put a body part on fire for amusement: no
Been hurt emotionally: ya who hasnt
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no
Fav Color: red
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: summer
Lace or Satin: satin
Cartoon Character: daffy duck
Fave Food: mac n cheese
Fave Advertisement: staples..easy button
Fave Drink: amaretto sour
Breakfast Food: cereal
ice Cream: cookie dough
Fave sport: baseball
Wearing: wranglers, hoodie,probaby boots, vic. secret
Eating: nothing
Drinking: bud light
Thinkin about: someone special n all the crap i have to do this afternoon
Cried: nope
Worn jeans: yea
Met someone New online: no
Done laundry: yea
Drove a car: truck but yes
Talked on the phone:
Kissed someone: yea
Said "I love you": nope
Picked a wedgie?: no
Yourself: yea unless i talk to certain people
Your friends: of course
Santa Claus: nahh
Tooth Fairy: na
Angels: na
Ghosts: na
UFO' s : na
God: yea
love at first sight?: yea
Do you ever wish you had another name?: yea
Do you like anyone?: yes..
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: keri
Who have you known the longest of your friends: keri
Who's the loudest: keri
Are you close to any family members?: yeas
Who's the weirdest?: friends or family? family
Who do you hang out with the most?: derek randy and steve grutz michele n whoever else stumbles in
Finish each sentence:
Let's walk on the: boardwalk at the beach
Let's run through: woods
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: day
Where did all the: food go
When will they: fix this stupid road
Why can't you: just take off on a weekday :)
Silly, little: dog
Show me some: skin
The sky: had better be clear
Tell me: more about you
Hide me: from the rest of the world
Love me: all the time no matter what
I hate your stupid: dog at times
My mom thinks you're: perfect
She's not: always right but this time maybe she is
Are you that: crazy to think that..
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Sprite or 7UP: sprite
Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved if he gets the chance
Blondes or Brunets: brunettes
Tall or Short: tall
Pants or Shorts: pants
Night or Day: night
What do you notice first: eyes and personality
Last person you slow danced with: an old friend a long time ago
Worst Question To Ask: dont know...



country...rock randy and derek singing while they are drunk "hillbilly deluxe from the back of big blue comin home from bowling at 2 am " :) "don't get pissay " (randy lee)


Black Cloud..Smokey and the Bandit...8 seconds...cowboy up...cold mtn. ,under siege,standing tall...


if i get the chance law and order, sex and the city, rescue me, family guy, american dad, arrested development...whatever i can find to watch before i fall asleep


McKettricks...Curious Incident of the Dog at Midnight...Mama Day, Secret Lives of Bees, Me and Emily...Harry Potter haha yes


my parents its takes a lot for someone to take in someone else's kid, my grandparents because they have always been aunt and uncle and in a funny way my older brother for living his life according to his own rules ( notice i said rules not morals haha)

My Blog

Almost a year

It's been almost a year since my grandpa died...i still can't believe it. It had to be one of the worst things that could happen to someone, there was so much left undone and unsaid (itsn't that alway...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 07:00:00 PST

A thank you

I just wanted to thank everyone for every thing that they have done to help us! It doesn’t matter if it was something small or something big it all means a lot to us and we are super excited for...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:47:00 PST

All you need is love :)

So you say you wanna tie the knot And you're askin' me if I think that the two of you have got What it takes to make it work Well one thing's for sure All you really need is love Let me say I'm happy ...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:00:00 PST


It seems like everyone is getting married which i awesome but i swear we didn't know when we started out how hectic these things can be to plan...the small things become big things and you find y...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:59:00 PST

some day

Hope is an anchor and love is a ship, time is the ocean and life is a tripYou don't know where you're going, 'till you know where you're atAnd if you can't read the stars, well you better have a mapA ...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Thu, 31 May 2007 08:32:00 PST

a man i thought would never die

last sunday i planned to go see my grandfather in his nursing home...however like a dumb person i went out to lunch with my friends and then went to my brothers...i never went. I get out of the shower...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:56:00 PST


It didnt take long but so much has changed...i am going to be an aunt again, that is the cause of much talk around mom and dads house...ohh boy. Wedding plans are a pain! Things are going alright with...
Posted by Mrs. Winters! on Mon, 07 May 2007 04:17:00 PST