finshing up college...doin something that i want to do for the rest of my life ...pretty much anything i can find to do...i like to be outside, i love the farm and i love most animals (not a rodent fan) spending time with the family and my dogs...watching the occasional movie and writing ...settling down and having some babies with mr. winters :) not in the near future but its something we are looking forward to
You scored as cowboy/cowgirl. you are a cowboy/cowgirl. you listen to george strait and chris ledoux and likley love the rodeo.
farm boy/ farm girl
Southern Reble
White trash
family members who are no longer with us, there are people who i have known and lost - a brother of an awesome friend, keri's mom she really was the best, my grandparents- i really miss them, my cousin me we miss you man,ANDDDDDDDD there are people i have not yet met including our kids ( we'll get around to that sooner or later there are none here yet!) but i have already met the man of my dreams...he has more faith in me than anyone has ever found
Full Name: barbara colleen
Eyes: hazel
Hair: dirty blonde
Have tattoos?: not yet
Have piercings?: just the ears
Have a BF GF? yes
Own a thong? : tons of them
Wear perfume?: always
Missed school because it was raining: ya...sounds like a good exscuse
Put a body part on fire for amusement: no
Been hurt emotionally: ya who hasnt
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no
Fav Color: red
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: summer
Lace or Satin: satin
Cartoon Character: daffy duck
Fave Food: mac n cheese
Fave Advertisement: staples..easy button
Fave Drink: amaretto sour
Breakfast Food: cereal
ice Cream: cookie dough
Fave sport: baseball
Wearing: wranglers, hoodie,probaby boots, vic. secret
Eating: nothing
Drinking: bud light
Thinkin about: someone special n all the crap i have to do this afternoon
Cried: nope
Worn jeans: yea
Met someone New online: no
Done laundry: yea
Drove a car: truck but yes
Talked on the phone:
Kissed someone: yea
Said "I love you": nope
Picked a wedgie?: no
Yourself: yea unless i talk to certain people
Your friends: of course
Santa Claus: nahh
Tooth Fairy: na
Angels: na
Ghosts: na
UFO' s : na
God: yea
love at first sight?: yea
Do you ever wish you had another name?: yea
Do you like anyone?: yes..
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: keri
Who have you known the longest of your friends: keri
Who's the loudest: keri
Are you close to any family members?: yeas
Who's the weirdest?: friends or family? family
Who do you hang out with the most?: derek randy and steve grutz michele n whoever else stumbles in
Finish each sentence:
Let's walk on the: boardwalk at the beach
Let's run through: woods
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: day
Where did all the: food go
When will they: fix this stupid road
Why can't you: just take off on a weekday :)
Silly, little: dog
Show me some: skin
The sky: had better be clear
Tell me: more about you
Hide me: from the rest of the world
Love me: all the time no matter what
I hate your stupid: dog at times
My mom thinks you're: perfect
She's not: always right but this time maybe she is
Are you that: crazy to think that..
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Sprite or 7UP: sprite
Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved if he gets the chance
Blondes or Brunets: brunettes
Tall or Short: tall
Pants or Shorts: pants
Night or Day: night
What do you notice first: eyes and personality
Last person you slow danced with: an old friend a long time ago
Worst Question To Ask: dont know...
country...rock randy and derek singing while they are drunk "hillbilly deluxe from the back of big blue comin home from bowling at 2 am " :) "don't get pissay " (randy lee)
Black Cloud..Smokey and the Bandit...8 seconds...cowboy up...cold mtn. ,under siege,standing tall...
if i get the chance law and order, sex and the city, rescue me, family guy, american dad, arrested development...whatever i can find to watch before i fall asleep
McKettricks...Curious Incident of the Dog at Midnight...Mama Day, Secret Lives of Bees, Me and Emily...Harry Potter haha yes
my parents its takes a lot for someone to take in someone else's kid, my grandparents because they have always been aunt and uncle and in a funny way my older brother for living his life according to his own rules ( notice i said rules not morals haha)