This made me giggle
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This is me.....
This is my t-shirt and it applies to all that dont love me.....
Lisa & I like her
You scored as Cocaine. You are Cocaine (aka: coke, crack, snow, 151...). You are the second most commonly used drug in the world. You are very witty, talented, perky person if you can just have the right opportunity to show to everybody how unique you are, when you are in a good mood you can reach a very high point of happiness. You are classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.
What kind of drug are you?
created with
Would like to meet!
You Are 92% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You?