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Myspace Layouts
href=" tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2trMTUyL2R1aGhpdHN2YWxlcmllLz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PTMzNS0uanBn" target="_blank"I think this covers most of it :)

I'd like to meet:

I's like to meet Brian Sipe. He has been my hero my whole life and it would be great to meet him. I would like to meet people who come after I have gone and see what they are like. I would like to meet my family that is gone to a better place and see if "heaven's not as great as you thought it would be"....... :) :)ha


HOLLY CRAP HE IS NICE!!!Raine (Music Video)
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Brian Sipe, Rusty and Kyle and Kati!!!!!!!!!! ,

My Blog

Just my thought

Just my thought about people and the kids the bring into this world. I know that Kids dont appricate their parents like there supposed to but come on people. When someone spends say 11 or 23 years rai...
Posted by billie on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:07:00 PST


Right on, Andy Rooney!          ;          Andy Rooney said on "60 Minutes" a few weeks back:   &...
Posted by billie on Wed, 10 May 2006 06:28:00 PST