I like to photograph as I travel around the world reading a book and drinking a cup of coffee, learning about new cultures languages and people, all while simultaneously creating my next painting in my head. I like to cook too.
The Pillsbury Doe Boy...
If it sounds good to me at the moment then that's what I'll listen to...I'm not too picky when it comes to music. I'll listen to Coltrain or T. Monk, throw in some Jimi with a dash of Doors, sprinkle on some Jack Johnson, a spoonful of Roots, and serve it with a Godsmack-Toby Keth salad. Like I said...not very picky...
I watch lots of movies so it's hard to narrow down a list so that I'm not typing all night. I would say that anything that Gael Garcia Bernal has acted in has been a great movie. Darren Aronofsky movies can be slightly strange but are well worth taking a look at. I'm also known to have, from time to time, indulged in the action-packed big budget films that only captivate me because I'm a guy and like when things are loud and blow up...not unlike my car which has yet to blow up but could quite possibly in the very near future.
On occasion, I like to light a fire, pour a glass of cognac, puff on a cigar, and watch a little TV as sit in my red velvety robe. If you believe that then you're in for a shocker because my robe is blue. When I do watch TV though, I'll watch stuff like House, Lost, Gray's Anatomy, 24, Family Guy, or whatever else happens to be on when I'm not working or sleeping or traveling or writing about what i like to watch on TV.
The Count of Monte Cristo, Crime and Punishment, This Side of Paridise, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, Absolute Friends, The Constant Gardner, The Historian, Ana Karenina, The Great Gatsby, Derailed, Le Miserables, Great Expectations, El Alquimista, any James Patterson book, Hamlet, 100 years of Solitude, 1984...I'm sure there are more but I can't remember...
Captin Crunch...he was an officer and a gentleman, courageously battling soggy cereal until his unfortunate demise.