With "Decay", their third statement, Serotonin have tackled one of the most challenging subjects; born on genuinely haunting grounds, the lyrical concept of this EP revolves around the states of mind of victims as well as perpetrators of one of history's most gruesome episodes. Most importantly, "Decay" teaches us that mankind does not learn from its own acts...
Fittingly, Serotonin's distinctive and eclectic extreme metal has become more intense than ever, the three part of this EP being more expansive yet more coherent than previous work. Some words of warning though: after having studied the "do"s and "don't"s of making a demo that immediately appeals to its target audience, Serotonin have decided to take a completely opposite course and record their most demanding and unrelenting work yet.
Founded by Sander Hordijk (guitars, bass, backing vocals) and Martin Perescis (lead vocals, programming, fx) in 2001, Serotonin have remained a stable creative force as a duo after several attempts of expanding the line-up. Efficient and not impeded by those lacking motivation, the current line-up is fully functional in a studio environment. An expansion of the band for live performances will be considered only if deemed relevant.
In addition to the actual EP, an extensive multimedia area on "Decay" provides insight in the band's past, present and, most importantly, future; with the songs of the first full-length ready to be recorded, Serotonin are currently writing and rehearsing their audacious second album, which will feature a one of a kind lyrical collaboration between the two band members.
For now, there is only "Decay" though...
Studio report part IV