kevin profile picture


hi my name is kevin my friends call me kevo

About Me

i came to my space just to meet new people to talk to and hope to make a few friends along the way. i have been married for 12 years and have two great boys they are my life the are ages 13 and 11

My Interests

i like playing basketball and watching basketball my fav team is the nuggets . i also like playing video games with my best friend kris. i realy enjoy watching my two boys in what ever sport they are playing at the time

I'd like to meet:



rap and rock and roll


i like a good scary movie my fav. are saw 1 and 2 jigsaw is the bomb i also like a good comedy and have to watch the chick flicks with the wife


i like to watch sports football and basketball DENVER BRONCOS and DENVER NUGGETS i also like the simpsons..


found this movies layout at HOT


my heroes are my wife and kids with out them i would be lost and my mom is my biggest hero of all if it was not for her i would not be on this earth