I am a human machine! Andrew is my name. But is not important, the name confines..i like tothink of myself as a spirit inhabiting a body who is experiencing life.I am a living miracle, such as the billions of other human beings, plants, animals and everyform of life that is inhabiting this beautiful world.I like to talk and discuss with people that have profound misconception about what it is a psychedelic experience.(they are so many) I want to function as a "living deconditiong agent" :) It's nice and rewarding to show others that there is more than the material world (much more actually) andhelp to shift the focus on their mind, body and their spirit. I firmly believe that if human beings were more conscious, more aware, more present theworld would be transformed in a kind of peaceful and cooperating paradise.All is linked. We project our consciousness into the material world. You want something to change? Well, the answer is that in most cases you have to change first. Everything is changing, constantly, right now.If we cannot change our minds we cannot change the world. I am on my way to this path and i am constantly experiencing and learning, sharing myknlowledge with you. My ideas and view of the world have been profoundly influenced by experiences withPsychedelic Drugs, first of all Magic Mushrooms,LSD-25, and DMT.But i am also very grateful to Terence McKenna, which ideas, books and speeches have been to me very important and revealing.I have a profound interest in every experience that can lead me to know more about myself and look at the worldin a new perspective. Psychedelics have been very helpful to me, they awakened me to a point of no returnand they started my spiritual path in the winter of 2007. The use of Psychedelics for ritual, religiuos, and magical purposes can be traced back to ancient shamanic traditions and is probably as old as mankind.These are sacred substances, relegated by our culture and society as mere "drugs" (which isa very ambiguous term) but actually, used in a safe context, with adequate preparation (setand setting) and with responsibility,they are transforming agents that can help tounderstand ourselves, making emerge material from the unconscious and triggering a catharsisthat in most cases is healing and bring enormous benefits to the person, to the family, tothe society, and ultimately to the world.