Invisible Children South Team profile picture

Invisible Children South Team


About Me

We are the 2005-06 Roadies for Invisible Childrens first National Tour. Here is a bit more about your team; David-A recent graduate from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He studied Film production and Communications and is the team leader of the "Dirty South". David loves practical jokes...and once, he left Emily and Daniel on a dirt road at 1:00 AM. Don't worry, he came back...eventually. After tour, David will be making the feature film with Jason, Bobby and Laren. It is to be released sometime next year in theatres nationwide.
Ashley-Was so inspired by the film that she decided to graduate early from High School. Her favorite memory was when the team was challenged to a soccer game with sudanese rufugees."These kids make my heart ache everynight.They rocked the core of my bone so deep..the younger ones I had to literally peel off of me before we left. It was so hard. When I watch the documentary I cant help but think that this is my Africa. Those kids on the screen are my friends...I wish everyone could experience what I did that night" She plans to Major in Nursing with a Minor in Journalism. Ashley would love to build a hospital in Africa after she finishes school.
Clint-Clint is a recent grad from Johnson Bible College in Tennessee. He has a passion for speaking out for those who are oppressed and otherwise unable to speak up on their own. While on a business trip in July of '05 a man told Clint about Invisible Children and gave him the website address. After returning home he downloaded the trailer for the rough cut which motivated his move from Knoxville, TN to Encinitas, CA. Clint says, "It was seeing people my age take their creative abilities and use them toward the goal of relieving the oppressed and defending the orphans. It is a shame that such atrocities exists and that these children are the reminder that we can no longer hold to ignorance as an excuse. If we are to strive each day to leave social apathy behind and help empower those around us then maybe things will get a bit better.”
Emily-Took a semester off of College at Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles to join the National Tour. Like Clint, she loves public speaking and making friends across the States. Anyone who comes in contact with her is sure to have a good time. Emily will be leaving in June to go back to Uganda with Invisible Children to build a Volunteer Center. Wish her luck as she embarks on yet, another trip of a lifetime!
Jess-Found out about Invisible Children...on MYSPACE! She loves meeting people and getting stories. Jessica hopes to travel to Saudia Arabia with Ashley and Emily and ride horses to Uganda, while gathering stories of the women along the way. An extensive traveler, she served the team as a navigator and rarely failed to get us lost. You can thank her for getting us to our destination points. Go Jess :)
Daniel- Knows about Invisible Children through his cousin, Jason Russell. Like Jess, Daniel is very sociable and loves meeting people. Often times, we would find Daniel striking up converstions with all sorts of individuals. Daniel is a rare jewel and has impacted all whom he has met. He hopes to go to Africa soon and experience, firsthand what we have all been fighting towards these past couple months.We are "The South" team of the Invisible Children National Tour. We are all different people but we all share ONE passion. Join us...and BECOME THE STORY.

My Interests

Living in an RV with 5 strangers. showering in rainstorms. playing in water fountains. living in wal-mart parking lots across the states. showering 3x a week. the perks of being a roadie. We LOVE meeting people and getting stories. As Ashely puts it: "a story is not just a story, but a history of someones life. A tale of who they are and where they are going; a glimpse of the past and an idea of the future."


Idaho, Corey Crowder, Nicklecreek, Iron and Wine, G-Love, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Patty Griffin, Derek Webb, Ben Folds, Bell x 1, Coldplay, Ryan Adams, Sigur ros, Sufijan Stevens, Album Leafe, Death Cab for Cutie, Postal Service, Motory Cycle Diaries Soundtrack, Elizabeth Town Soundtrack, Monochromatic, Malea


Invisible Children, Motorcycle Diaries, Constant Gardener, Lord of War


Uhmmm...we don't have one, nor have we watched any in 4 months :0


The Alchemist, The Irrestible Revolution, The End of Poverty by Jeffery Sachs, The Aboke Girls, The Soul of Money, Alice Lakwena and the Holy Spirits


Dan Eldon, Che Guevera, Mother Thresa, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Bono, and you

My Blog

Traveling Soldiers

As I close my eyes and reflect on the past four months of my life, I see flashbacks of the most amazing moments. And with each pounding my heartbeat, a face of a person that was inspired flashes ...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 06:31:00 PST

Forever Changed-April 29th, 2006

Forever Changed [Orlando] Global Night Commute Wow. I have no idea where to many life-changing moments happened this night, I get choked up just thinking about it. Okay, so we get to our ...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Fri, 05 May 2006 08:47:00 PST

My heart is heavy.

April the 29th Orlando, Florida 3:50 a.m. [The night before GNC] Millions have heard their cry. Thousands will be walking in their honor. Tonight, history will be written. I cannot be...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 01:46:00 PST

Hello from Florida!

Hi Everyone!   *Ok, I have to do a little disclaimer reaaaaal quick; I know, we at Invisible Children LOVE disclaimers! We have had about 10 hours total of sleep the past 3 days or so...with...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 02:56:00 PST

Ashleys Journal Entries

Hi ya'll! we are officially done with our time in Washington, D.C. As I sit here, I am trying to think  of a way to sum it all up and I can't. It was insane and I am so glad to be ba...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:15:00 PST

Just another day...

  Hi All,         So, D.C has been pretty amazing...we have spoken to so many influential individuals and our voice has been heard. The last week or so, we have be...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:23:00 PST

I Hitchiked for the Invisible Children

Hi Everyone!   Yes, it is about time for that weekly update and this email is PACKED with all kinds of interesting stories. So grab a seat and get won't be l...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:22:00 PST

Oh, the life of a roadie...

Howdy!   For all of those inquiring minds, yes, I am alive and well. Today was the first day since the 8th that I have been able to access the internet, so please don't think I was avoiding ...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:21:00 PST

What a night...

Hi Everyone!   Wow...lastnight was amazing. We had a screening at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee and right afterwords "Grandma" had s heart attack and died. We were on the road ...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:20:00 PST

And so the adventure begins...

I am having the best time- my roomates are amazing and today was our first screening! Myself and Dave (23 years) flew from California to North Carolina and took the red eye. We arrived in NC to pick u...
Posted by Invisible Children South Team on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:18:00 PST