My life Interests are to give my son the best life that I could give him, and raise him with lots of love and to be there for him "NO MATTER WHAT" Till the wheels fall off MEJO.aLWAYS remember dadda iz here and I AINT GOING ANYWHERE!!! "WE RIDE TILL WE DIE" I LOVE YOU BUDDY
To be honest i aint really looking for any one piticular. It's kinda hard when you have a kid.It changes your whole view on the dating scene. You get so used to the one you been with for 11years,from one day to anthour your single.Its scary cause you dont know who your going to meet.With me I am big on "HIGENE" AND i AM A picky basterd."Plus there iz nobody going to replace my sonz mom" ctrl-vfound this music layout at HOT :: MyHotComments
I'm into punk rock,alternative,80's rock,classic rock. I love The Cure, and Depeche Mode, Berlin, Billy Idol, Deftones, Wu-Tang, Pharcyed, Hed-Pe annd I also like jungle hip-hop.
I like the movies The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, The Pickup Artist, Wierd Science, Ensino Man, The Girl NeXt Door, The Doors, and the Exorsist 1976 the original.
I like 3's company, Everyone Love's Raymond, Friends, George Lopez, and Will & Grace.ctrl-vfound this music layout at HOT :: MyHotComments
How to Kill a Mockingbird, Generation Curses
Jesus Christ and my Mom and Dad