God, sports, dance, lifting weights, yoga, running, aerobics, music, singing, fraps, cuddling, the lake, fishing, camping, poker, bowlng, movies, cuddling, writing, road trips, reading, getting coffee, spending time with my sissy, DDR, Halo, laying out on beautiful days, oh and cuddling.
Jesus, Jennifer Garner, Norah Jones, Jan Van Iyck, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jackson Turner, Betty Mahmoody, Giovanni Benini, Raphael, Gerhardt Richter, Dorothy Day, my soulmate
Crash, 300, Premonition, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Holiday, Eulogy, Pride and Prejudice, The Covenant, Wedding Crashers, The Notebook, Harry Potter, Blade Trinity, Old School, Best of Will Ferrell, Dirty Dancing, The Labrynth, Thumbtanic/Thumbwars, Step Up, The Village, Jarhead, Fight Club, Garden State, Romeo and Juliet, Constantine, Casanova
The Hills, Who's Line, American Idol, Real World, Hidden Palms
Harry Potter, Eragon, The Eldest, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, The Gold of Cape Girardeau, Not Without My Daughter, Who Killed My Daughter, The Giver, Tripod series, The Da Vinci Code, No Room at the Table, Relationships, Dating, and Other Insanities.
My youth leader Kimmie, Nick, Michelle, random people that come into the FG, my boss, and people that have struggled in life and still made something out of themselves.