simplE, coO|, and hehehehe..... H*ndSoME...lOLZ... fLexibLe, adjUstAblE, streTchAbLe anD LOvAblE, huGgAblE, kiSsaBlE, and bALLb|e.whEW!!!
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i'd lIke tO MeeT:1. ChArLes DarWiN
2. HerbErt SpeNceR
3. KarL mArx
4. MaX wEbEr
5. AguStE cOmTe
6. HarRiEt MarTiNeaU
7. eMiLe DuRkHeiM
8. Ga|i|eO GalI|eE
9. A|bErT EinStE!n
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welCOMe MEh!!! Posted by on Tue, 30 Nov 2004 01:56:00 GMT