...... ....aLL mY 1uVLy fw3nz '888' h0mm!3s..n sAy no tO psYchO!! n aLsO aLL Of maA fw3nz aT SM cOnv3Nt(ipOh)..ahAkz..n SM and3RsOn(ipOh)..miSs yaA AlL!!..huk huk..n ThOs3 p33pS thAt i cAn mAk3 fw3nZ wiT'..LoyAL fRi3nDs f3R sUr3..LasT bUt nOt L3Ast, GOD..oUttAere!! *poof* n disappear~..
::hIp-hOp + rAp (ol' skOOL sHIt xpeciAlLy)..RnB..pUnk rOck n h0p puNk..huk hUkk..::..::L.Y.R.I.C::Usher:: There's always that one person that will always have your heart You never see it coming cause you're blinded from the start Know that you're that one for me, it's clear for everyone to see Ooh baby, you will always be my boo ::Alicia Keys:: I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uhh it's the only way we know how to rock (repeat) ::Usher Verse:: Do you remember girl, who was he one who gave you your first kiss Cause I remember girl who was the one who said put your lips like this Even before all the fame and people screaming your name Girl I was there and you were my baby ::Chorus:: Usher:: It started when we were younger and you were mine (my boo) Now another brothers' taken over but its' still in your eyes (my boo) Even though we use to argue it's alright (it's alright girl, that's okay) And if we haven't seen each other in a while, but you will always be my boo ::Alicia:: Now if you loved when we were younger you were mine And when I see from time to time I still feel like, (that's my baby) And if I see you no matter how I try to hide (I can't hide it) And even though there's another man who's in my life, you will always be my boo ::Alicia Verse:: Yes I remember boy, cause after we kissed I could only think about your lips Yes I remember boy, the moment I knew you were the one I could spend my life with Even before all the fame and people screaming your name I was there and you were my baby ::Chorus:: Usher:: It started when we were younger and you were mine (my boo) Now another brothers' taken over but its' still in your eyes (my boo) Even though we use to argue it's alright (it's alright girl, that's okay) And if we haven't seen each other in a while, but you will always be my boo Bridge My ooh my ohh my ohh my ohh my boo (repeat) ::Chorus:: Usher:: It started when we were younger and you were mine (my boo) Now another brothers' taken over but its' still in your eyes (my boo) Even though we use to argue it's alright (it's alright girl, that's okay) And if we haven't seen each other in a while, but you will always be my boo ::Alicia:: I don't know about y'all but I know about us and uhh it's the only way we know how to rock (repeat)
fAst n FuRiOus..2 FasT 2 fURiOus..LoRd of tHa RiNg 1 n 2 n 3..sPid3rmAn..
mA' fAvO m3g -..tOn3..r3vOlutiOn..tReAsUr3..cL3O..etc... n mA' fAvO cOMic - dRagOn bALL (f3r' sUr3)..utOpiA..ujAng..g3mpAq..pUstAka LanGit..p3nCak wiRa..(mA' bezz cOll3ctiOn eVa).. n aLL dA bOOkz dAt mAkes m3 lAugH lik3 h3LL..=))
tRuNks da' sOnz of b3zitTz(4th sUp3R sAiyAnz) aNd spiD3RmAn(wAt a nIc3 bOdy n cOstUm3..sHitmAn!!ahAkz..)