I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!I'm 21, have a baby girl named Vegas who happens to be the most gorgeous baby girl in the whole world. You don't believe me? Then leave, I don't care. Right now I live with Sammy and her son, Gavin. I like to have fun, sometimes a little more than necessary but what can ya do? Anyway, if you need to know anything else then ASK.
You Are a Natural Flirt
Believe it or not, you're a really effective flirt.
And you're so good, you hardly notice that you're flirting.
Your attitude and confidence make you a natural flirt.
And the fact that you don't know it is just that more attractive! What Kind of Flirt Are You?
You Are a Dirty Martini
You are a sexy, sometimes belligerent, over the top drunk.
You tend to get in a lot of trouble. When you drink, there are no rules.
You should never: Drink in the company of strangers. Seriously.
Your ideal party: Is so good you black out in the middle of it.
Your drinking soulmates: Those with a Margarita Martini personality.
Your drinking rivals: Those with an Orange Martini personality What Flavor Martini Are You?
You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.
Blind Folds
What&%23039;s Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com
You Are Las Vegas
Wild and uninhibited, you enjoy all of life's vices.
You're a total hedonist, especially with sex, gambling, and drinking.
You shine brightly every night, but you do the ultimate walk of shame each morning.
What American City Are You?Extended Network Banner made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!