ThiS GOOFY SupERstAR Was Born in Port Arthur, TX bKa Da laNd oF the TriLL on the 27th of June at the very Beginning Of thE dEcadE WE liKe to CaLL The 90'z, We lUv thE 90'z NiGga. Im sO laYed BacK iCant See oVer the SteerIng WhEel. iTrust in GoD to gUide me in The RighT direCtion..."PERSONALITY"--->GOLDEN [not platinum] but still gooD. iLike to think of myself as selfless, iLove to treat others with respect because no one should be put down, especially when they dont deserve it, but if they deserve [forgive me GOD] but iMight juSt have To say a lil sumfin about u. BUT most of all iAm a strong believer in God and Jesus and want to dew nuthin but GOod in my life. In GenEraL IM GoOFy..LuV to HAve Fun...LuV to Do Art WORk and DesiGn PicTures [hope to make a profession out of sumthing like it]..Oh and Get me in a laughin MooD and iCan be PlenTy FUn..=D