Tambien he viajado por el viejo continente, por paises como Francia, Italia, Austria, Holanda, Alemania, Belgica y Espania. Me encanta viajar y pronto lo volvere a hacer. Algun dia, no muy lejano, emprender un viaje eterno... Antes de Waju tocaba, de chavito, con mi amigo Cacho (Eduardo Cacho), despus con el Figas (Oscar Figaredo). De mas grande hicimos un dueto llamado "Dos" (para decir en las presentaciones: "Nosotros somos Dos"... jaja), lo hicimos entre Nax (Naxyeli Santana), mi hermana eternamente, y yo. Tocabamos, aparte de en su casa y la mia, en el restaurante Mama Conchita, ahi en la roma Coahuila esq. manzanillo(Esta buenisima la comida!!) Algunas rolas eran de nosotros "Dos" jaja... las otras eran covers. Nax voz y yo guitarra y voz En esa misma epoca, trabaje con Koun (Connie Santana, hermana de Nax),mi hermana eternamente, tocando en camiones, peceros, metro, cafes y restaurantes. Tocabamos algunos covers y unas rolas de Koun. Ella Voz y yo guitarra y voz. Ahora soy un EVOLUCIONARIO, el Portador de la Bandera de la PAZ. Mi trabajo es llevar la bandera a su lugar. Para esto voy a hacer muchisimas cosas, en las que se involucran: Waju, mi ex banda de ROCK EVOLUCION; en la que compuse, hice arreglos, cante, toque unos cuantos instrumentos (principalmente el bajo), organice tokines, hice propaganda, le busque contactos (osea produccin), etc. Para mas info de waju: www.myspace.com/waju UMAE- Union Mundial Artistica Evolucionaria; en la que busco todo tipo de artistas para crear eventos en donde varios artistas comparten escenario y publico, entre muchas otras cosas Evolucion, mi comic; en el que, con una forma divertida y muy chida, les cuento como fue mi infancia. (todavia le falta pa sacar el primer numero, como que va un poco lento el proceso) Organice un coro de primaria del Instituto Mississauga, para un concurso del himno nacional. Dificil!! y divertidisimo!! No ganamos pero fue una experienca inolvidable!!. Los Cuenta Muertes, largometraje independiente, en el cual soy el Productor General, y para el cual estoy componiendo La Cascada, la obra musical del largo... Llevaremos esta pelicula a viajar alrededor del mundo y la traeremos de regreso para cada rincon del pais. LA pagina aun en construccion www.myspace.com/loscuentamuertes Todo esto y muchas otras cosas mas, son parte del movimiento de PAZ mas grande de todos los tiempos, el de los EVOLUCIONARIOS...NOW YOU CAN READ EVERYTHING IN ENGLISH!!!!!!! Mi info
rocco santamaria is my name. Born the 27 of May of 1980 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. And re born Friday the 13 Of August of 2004, at Jess Reyes Heroles, when i gave my soul to the beautiful Queen, my gorgeus wife, my Alma (soul). I have lived in Mexico city since i was to years old. My school (since kinder, to high school -the wonder years-) is the Edron, the complete name is The Edron Academy. My childhood and part of my youth, where full of sports, specifcaly of soccer and field and indoor hockey. I wanted to be a profesional soccer player, but when i had the chance i got injured very bad and had to let it go. I always played in my school teams (Edron, Tec: Campus Ciudad de Mxico and Webster). I keep playing, with Club Roma, This team was founded by my father when he was coach. We have been in 2 finals, one that i didnt play, thanks to the injuries, and other that we just played, a few weeks ago. We lost both of them, the last one we lost in penalties (Im the goalkeeper and didnt stop anything :( I had never goalkeep for penalties). I did got more involved in hockey. With the team we made since the Edron (After a while we changed the name to the inmortal "Aztln"... 1...2...3... Aztln!!) There, i met one of my great teachers: Arsenio, coach of Aztln (my coach). He made us play in the second divison of field hockey, where, after a couple of tournaments, we managed to be in first division. He also took us to play nacional tournaments and also to USA, Moore Park, California. He made us grow within the sport (me and severla of my good old brothers from the Edron) so much, that we wanted to take this soprt very seriuosly. We played with the nacional sub21 team (mabe... or was it the sub17... something like that, i dont remember). I also had the oportunity to play in 2 olimpiadas juveniles (olimpic games, for mexican youth) in Guadalajara and Monterrey (5th place, both olimpics) with the team of Mexico city. Unfortunately there where deep and big decepcions so i quit the sport(but i love the sport and the memories). My music studies started since i was very little, and i keep studying (there is so much information that ill probably be studying for all eternity) In shcools such as: Artene, SIEM and Fermata (were i met kike, who took me to be part of Wj: my In Lak'ech's). I have traveled here in Mexico and in USA, were, besides traveling, i lived for 7 months in Lafayette, Indiana. There, i worked in Wabash (trailers factory) in diferent seccions, doing diferent things. Living there i realised lots of things, of which its worthy to mencion a few, such as; the suposed "american dream", that is: going to USA to work, "to have a better life", to have more money and i dont know what else. In reality its a nightmare. Why?: Well, for a start, beacuse the US citicens (obiously not all) treat mexicans very bad, like if we had a better life thanks to them, but its the total opposite of that. Thanks to them we live worse and thanks to us, they live better. Definately, mexicans who live there, make more money than here, but thats not because its better over there. NO!! Its simply because, for some strange reason, we work much harder over there. Now, that all mexicans that are over there, and the ones that are going at this moment, and the ones that are going soon; Worked, all, as hard as they work there, but here. To start, USA wouldnt be what it is now, not even close, and Mexico would be thousands of times more of what it is now. Resuming, the most important thing i learned is that USA is the most powerful country in the world, but thats not thanks to themselves, but because of all the ilegals over there working hard (which not includes only mexicans, but mexicans are the mayority) mexicans which, unfortunetely, are absolutely blinded to the reality, and manipulated to their convenience, so they can make their country, what it is). This country doesnt develop, because all the hard workers who want to "develop" and that give all their entusiam, go over there. And the rest, the mayority, the ones that cant go, the ones that just live with what we have (and what we have is trash, thanks to the government) and of course, the ones that run things, the ones that manipulate everyone else (thats the gobernment)...IMPORTANT NOTE: My intention with all of this is simply to say what i think, always with total respect to the ideas of others, their decisions, their values, their ideals, their beliefs, their cultures and in general; the lifes of all existing persons. Please dont get this the wrong way, im not attacking or judging anyone, im simply just giving my point of view, after analizing, meditating, viewing it from all perspectives and searching always that middle ground in which we all get to be happy... PEACE!!!! More info
I have also travelled in Europe, through countries like France, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Germany, Belgic and Spain. I love to travel and soon, ill do it again. Someday, not far, Ill start an eternal journey... Before Wj I played, when i was little, with my friend Cacho (Eduardo Cacho), Then with "el Figas" (Oscar Figaredo). I got bigger and we made a duet we called "Dos" (-it means two- so we could say in the concerts "Nosotros somos Dos" -"we are Two"... jaja), this duet was made by Nax (Naxyeli Santana), myeternal sister, and me. We played, apart of her house and mine, in the restaurant Mam Conchita, In Mexico city, Colonia Roma (The food is great!!) Some song where of the "Two" of us jaja... other song where from other musicians. Nax- Lyrics and me- guitar and lyrics That same year, I worked with "Cone" (Connie Santana, Nax's sister), My eternal sister. We played in buses, metro, coffee shops, and restaurante. We played covers and some song composed by "Cone". Cone- lyrics and me-guitar and lyrics. Now im an EVOLUTIONARY, i carry the flag of PEACE. My work is to take the flag to were it belongs. For this job i have to do lots of things, which involve things like: Waju, my ex band in which i played EVOLUTION ROCK; I composed, made music arrengements, i sang, played a few intsruments (more bass than anything else), organized concerts, made propaganda, i looked for contacts (something like production), etc. For more info of waju: http://www.myspace.com/waju UMAE- Unin Mundial Artstica Evolutionaria (Worlwide Artistic Evolucionary Union); in which i search for all kinds of artists that will share stage, fans, among other things, by making and organizing art events Evolucin (evolution), my comic; in which, with a vey fun and cool way, i tell you about my childhood. (Lot of work must be done to have the first number finished, the process is going slow) I organized a chorus with kids from Instituto Mississauga, for a national anthom contest. Hard!! and very fun!! We didnt win, but it was a very nice experience. Unforgetable!!All this and many many things, are part of the biggest and most important PEACE movement of all times, the one of the EVOLUTIONARIES...
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