filmmaking * food & air * present tense
ya mom's herb
if i ever went solo my favorite emcee would be me
Are important. The camera is a weapon of subversion, and it is weilded both by the righteous and the powerfully corrupt. If you're deaf I recommend the movie The Battle for Algeirs. If you're blind I recommend SPACEBALLS.
Is a joke with a built in laugh track. The only reason these catagories are even on here at this point in the myspace timeline fingersnap is because Viacom is using them for market research. Rupert Murdoch owns the key to your happiness pathetic mortals! Bwah-ha-ha!
Are like video games with a beginning, middle, and end. Support your locol library or book selling hype. If you've just learned how to read, I recommend Don Delillo. If you still don't know how to read I recommend never, ever learning. Which means someone will probably have to read this to you.
GuysHouse Unite!! Batman, Man-Thing, The Incredible Hulk, Jesse Custer, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Stokely Charmichael, Mahatma Ghandi, breadHEAD, Dr Bronner...dilute!dilute!