send me email and ask i do a bunch of things besides work,gym,sleep,eat!
some great people to surround myself with to do great things! my yahoo messanger is rosconole007Well, my story is that of how to change tragedy into success. I was a poor, ugly, skinny kid, for the majority of my youth. Then one day, I was maulled by a billionar's dog. After sueing him and taking everything he had, I was able to buy a mansion of my own, get plastic surgery, and buy my friends.Then one day, I went to a place called Florida State University. There, beer flowed like water pouring down at Niagra Falls while at the same time it was infested with hot women buzzing around you like mosquitos on a warm night in Florida while camping out at on the Chatahoochee River.The rest is in the guiness book of world records....
country , rock, hip-hop, reggae, pretty much anything.
Top Gun , Pretty Woman, Tombstone, Starwars, Indiana Jones,Days of Thunder, Talladega Nights, James Bond 007.
College football, baseball, basketball, areana football, Friends, Seinfeld, Dallas,A-team, Dukes of Hazzard, Simpsons, Miami Vice
The Art of the Comeback. A shark never sleeps
Burt Reynolds, Arnold, George W Bush, Bobby Bowden,(non hero's list) Chris Rix, Ted Kennedy, Captain Kangaroo.