...Drink Me Pretty... profile picture

...Drink Me Pretty...

Amor Vincit Omnia

About Me

I believe that I am brilliant.I generally hate life and anything that comes with life, which in turn makes many people think I am a hater. They are correct. I think I am a pretty happy person.I live in the coldest house and sleep in the coldest room in the world. I like to complain about this. I can do cartwheels in my room though which makes up for a lot of it.I am a complainer and can do this better than anyone I know. I also like to exaggerate to make a point. I do this in almost every sentence I speak.LOVES: laughing so much you can't stop, buying $2 dollar movies that everyone knows will be bad, sleeping in, waking up late, staying in bed all morning, giggling, reading books that inspire you to be a better person, kissing, laying in bed when its raining, shopping, style in the 80's, kissing, dancing when drunk, singing too loud, smoking while driving, planning trips, drinking with friends, talking shit while drinking, singing songs I don't know the words to, walking the streets and looking at houses I'd like to live in, antique shops, music in general, hugging, waking up to someone I like kissing or hugging me, sleeping next to someone, waking up next to someone, sex when its raining, hour long make-outs, planning my future, puppies, being happy, the funny feeling in your stomach when you like someone, CRUSHES, being in love, road trips for no reason, trashy movies and beer, learning, waking up still drunk and everything is still so funny, taking photos with randoms, going out with just Cheslea (she is INSANE), Smiths BBQ chips,Chicken Twisties, scratchies, moving to England, My Family, nights out when you have no expectations and they become the best, songs that make me want to dance, contact from people in Australia, hanging out with my dad, impulse shopping, jeans, leather, cynical people, London on sunny days, picnics, shoes, pretty dresses, cute text messages, long showers, hair cuts,HATES: being alone, heartache, crying, feeling of resentment, betrayal, going to sleep alone, waking up alone, not achieving something I pushed myself to do, hatred, people who stop talking to you with no logical reason, that feeling when you know something bad happened, breakups, boring books, working the late shift all by yourself, when people tell you "oh, you wouldn't like it", having to learn to live again, hangovers, being in love, when the nicest of people die but all those arseholes are sill alive, long plane flights, being sick, not knowing, seeing bands that are shit live, that brands have different names in the UK (eg. weetbix are calls weet-a-bix - LAME),

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

Likes: drinking too much, laughing with friends, sleeping in, staying up late, rain early in the morning, having sex when its raining, having sex, walking the streets and choosing houses I would live in, talking shit when I'm drunk, kissing, dancing when I'm drunk, smoking while driving, singing too loud, singing songs I don't know the lyrics to, road trips for no reason, hour long makeouts, listening to music where ever I am, yelling out of car windows, being grossed out by all the boys, laughing too much for no reason, cuddling, dress ups, mexican on sundays, buying $2 movies that everyone knows is going to be shit, waking up to someone kissing me, drinking beer while watching trashy movies, m&m subway cookies, cooking for other people, luke yelling baby way too loud at me way too many times, taking photos with randoms when I'm drunk, giggling so much I cant breath, crushes and the butterflies you get when you think about them, Luke.Dislikes: Sleeping alone, heartache, missing people, crying, cramps in my calf muscle, jelousy, feeling alone, bitches who purposly hit on my boyfriend in my line of sight (one day i'll start swinging {fist that is not like swinging as in couples})waking up, having to work, waking up and luke isn't there, betrayal, when people stop talking to you for no apparent reason, break-ups, that feeling in your stomach when you know something horrible has happened, illness, death.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

People who inspire. People who make me laugh. People I could love.and


I like songs before I like albums. I like albums before I like bands. I likes bands before i like genres. Some of these include: Panic!At The Disco, SkyCameFalling, Atreyu, Zao, Boy Sets Fire, Raised Fist, Thursday, Juliana Theory, Nora, Norma Jean, A Static Lullaby, Jimmy Eat World, Walls Of Jericho, Taking Back Sunday, Further Seems Forever, Me Without You, Finch, AFI, Evergreen Terrace, After School Knife Fight, Maria Carey, The Used, Refused, Hot Hot Heat, The Killchoir Project, Eighteen Visions, The Pixies, Interpol, From These Wounds, any mad 80's hit!, Just Say Go!, Bright Eyes, Mae, Anberlin, Until the End, The Black Eyed Peas, Ashlee Simpson, Out Hud, Head Automatica (just that one song), Ratatat, anything that involes clapping, Regina Spektor, Jenny Wilson, Peaches, Uffie, Bliss 'n' Eso, and heaps more, mainly stuff i can dance some form of dancing to.


Love Me If You Dare, Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle, Amelie, The Little Mermaid, Interview With A Vampire, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, Beauty and The Beast, Pretty Woman, Pan's Labrynth, The Labrynth, My Neighbour Totoro,


Trapped in the Closet


Running with Sissors, They Cage the Animals at Night, A Cage of Butterflies, Anne Franks Diary, He's Just Not That Into You, It's Called a Break Up Because It's Broken, Candy, We,


My nanna, my dad and my grandpa (R.I.P) if I could be anything like them you couldn't call me a bad person.

My Blog


ok everyone needs to stop freaking out about me getting fired and filling up my comments asking about it. it was a temp position! you get asked to leave when they don't need extra people anymore. they...
Posted by ...Drink Me Pretty... on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:36:00 PST

My 21st Birthday Party - Part 2

Part 2Chelsea and Nina giving a fairly inappropriate but funny speechNina and BreeA Thomas, Lydia and Liam sandwich. That is one lucky galEva and NinaLiam and LydiaThis dude, Jesse, was doing a w...
Posted by ...Drink Me Pretty... on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 08:20:00 PST

My 21st Birthday Party - PART 1

Firstly, thanks to Eva for spending hours making this, and to Max for unwittingly donating his computer to the cause. Best dudes. Photos are in mostly in the right order... Had to split it into a...
Posted by ...Drink Me Pretty... on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 06:17:00 PST


Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]You are Cool!You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing...
Posted by ...Drink Me Pretty... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST