denise profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

the number 5 on my cell phone doesn't work that well....which makes texting interesting. I can still do a round off. i prefer fountain drinks over cans or bottles. i like throwing showers for people. i have a hard time just sitting around. i always forget to plug my cell phone in. i'd prefer texting people over talking. I’m extremely motivated. I’m a leader. I’m a realist. I hate unnecessary drama in my life. I've been out of the country 4 times. I recently built my boys a 7x7 wood sandbox. i now own a nintento wii. i can count on one had how many times in the last year i have left walmart spending under $50. I have well water. I secretly wish that i was a black woman so that i could join a black gospel choir. I love simplicity. When the Steelers score a touchdown, i get a lump in my throat. I love to paint. I love that i’m not TOO outta shape to still play a little volleyball.i went to elim bible institute. I think it is funny that wal*mart always has cleveland browns apparel on its clearance rack. I will do anything to make my kids smile. i have a dog that howls. I really enjoy doing things that force me to be creative. I have a subscription to a scrapbooking magazine. Even though they tell you not to, i always clean my glasses on whatever shirt i’m wearing. I’m a closet e-bayer. Sometimes i try and claim the "vengance is thine" verse. I used to love stickers when i was a kid. I won "top performer" in my group my first month of pampered chef. I twist my ankles a lot. I dont do a lot of text messaging. I often think about life before so many responsibilities. I miss waitressing. I have learned to love diet coke. I run my own painting business. If i could actually live in IKEA, i would. I was asked to demonstrate "eyelets" at a scrapbooking class. I can run a mitre saw like it’s nobody’s business. I always have really good yard sales. I asked for a crockpot for christmas. I dont cry a lot. I’m working at being more disciplined in different areas of my life. I’m glad that Jesus remains the same. I love dark walls and white moulding. I am extremely content with having all boys. I think the words "tee hee" are hysterical. I love singing. I often forget to turn on the fan in the bathroom when i am taking a shower. I am almost always barefoot. Sleeping in is on my list of favorite things to do. I hate throwing up. I love watching my boys play together. Gift cards make me smile more than they should. I love to wear pajama’s. I am still friends with my ex-boyfriends. I want to be a good example to my family. I love chocolate. I have vowed to never lend things out to people anymore. I love the smell of coffee brewing. I love old friendships. I always want to rescue people. I wish i were a CSI agent. I love bright colored flowers. On average, i change the color of a room ever year and 3 months. I very rarely return phone calls. I never dreamed it would be so hard to teach a child his letters. I am learning to love to work out. I love talking to my husband. I want to be a blessing to others. I don’t understand death. My hands are never where they should be on the keyboard. I get tired of saying "no!" through out my day. I love sweet tea. I enjoy cleaning my house. I have watched law and order SVU 6 times in a row before. I am guilty of calling tony romo, tomy homo. I am constantly told that i should sell real estate. I am considering going out for the postion of head coach for the steelers. I would like mcdonalds to come up with a way to make their french fries 50 calories but not sacrifice the taste. I have a hard time with second chances. I am very competetive. I have a mental list of things that i would like to do before i die. I have a kidney disease. I want a nose ring. I battle forgiveness in my life. I love the hymn "How great Thou Art." I love a clean bathroom. I cry when i think about what Jesus did for us on the cross. i dont understand soap on a rope. i can still do a round-off. i am 12 inches shorter than my husband. i will never buy generic kleenex. i love it when things match. i dont have one white wall in my house. people make fun of me because i still send out christmas cards. i love to sleep in. i love to color with my kids. i have been called OCD before. i get choked up in almost every worship service. i am getting addicted to buying music for my mp3. all of my photographs are organized. i like cheese. i almost never eat pizza without dipping it into something. there are only a few flavors i savor...and the spicy chicken crunchwrap from taco bell is one of them. my best frind lives in idaho. i dont remember what it's like to go to the bathroom without an audience. i dont scrapbook enough. i always claimed that i was the adopted one of the 3 kids. i have 26 spices on my spice rack. i take too many pictures of my kids. i still get excited when i beat brady in candy land. i love to play cards. i get along well with my mother-in-law. people always call me with painting questions. i think that caller id was the best thing ever invented. i love stuffed shells. i only color with crayons that are sharp. i have a 1 yr old that sings souljaboy. i miss youth group days. i am extremely picky about who babysits my children. i go through a can of resolve, easily, every month. i enjoy grocery shopping alone. my mom and dad dont have a hospital baby picture of me, but they do my brother and sister.

My Interests

Eating chocolate.Clearance shopping.volleyball.the steelers. making fun of brown's fans. shopping seasons ahead for my kids clothing. organizing things and places. playing spades.

I'd like to meet:

i would like to play lazer tag with the cast of the office. i would love to have a cup of jo with president bush. i would also like to go over the play book (and have dinner) with ben roethlisberger.


you know that person driving in front of you that is not paying attention...and her speed keeps fluxuating but you can tell she has her music on and is dancing a little in the front seat?i like anything that gets my foot tapping. i especially love old 90's rap and r&b.


i very rarely watch movies....sad. i know. however, we have a DVR i watch more than i used to. recently saw american gangster. great flick.


we pay a cable bill to watch the steelers play on sunday and the office on thursday. and cartoon's in between those. the end.


i'd rather be on the computer filling my mind with worthless, did you know that when i googled my brothers said "dennis needs to poop and pee." that's good stuff.i am reading "bringing up boys" right now.


wow. that's a tough position to fill.

My Blog

Just because i have twins? Seriously?!?!

I was out eating lunch with my family about 6 weeks after Donovan and Silas were born. We were at cracker barrel when this cute little blonde came up to me to see the boys in their car seats. (Which I...
Posted by denise on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:28:00 PST

a day in the life of......

i decided that because i keep a blog of all of the funny things that brady says...that i should start blogging about different things i run into during my day with donovan and silas. i will add to the...
Posted by denise on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:02:00 PST

i'm growing tired....

i will no longer. ... .                           .. into the lies of the ...
Posted by denise on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:06:00 PST

brady style...

ya know...i sometimes change my headline to some of the really funny...and sometimes gross things that brady says...and i thought...well, why dont i just stick them in a blog... that way i can keep tr...
Posted by denise on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:31:00 PST

death at seven....

okay, so last night i drove to pittsburgh to go to the funeral of the son of one of my friends growing up....he was 7. (brandon hoff-son of harry hoff) i contemplated going anyways...just because...i&...
Posted by denise on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:49:00 PST

a good reminder about failure...

GOT THIS FROM A GOOD FRIEND.... "We resist love to avoid pain and squelch our dreams out of fear of failure. For the Spirit of God to unleash dreams and visions within our souls, we must become free t...
Posted by denise on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 08:16:00 PST

a 4 yr old does a survey...

so, i thought that it would be WAY too cute to ask brady to do a survey and to get a few chuckles out of some of his answers...SUCCESS.   what is your middle name: "brady owen blanton"w...
Posted by denise on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:58:00 PST

i actually did it....

ya know how everyone always tells you..."take time and enjoy the moment..." well...i never really understood what that meant....nor had i ever done it.... well, today after i put the babies down for a...
Posted by denise on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:39:00 PST

it's been awhile...

well, it's been a while since my last post, and for those of you who dont know...i had my baby boys! they were born on april 10th at 1:45 pm and 1:46 pm. silas eric (after his dad eric) was first and ...
Posted by denise on Wed, 31 May 2006 04:19:00 PST