ok about me. was born on the 3rd of may autumn 1988. first walked at around 11 months old. could ride a bike just before my 4th birthday. never enjoyed the company of cats. had a dog so big i could ride him to the letter box and back till i was about 11. ive only been to the snow once. broken both arms 2 times each jaw once. i love green cordial. i like green in general. i played soccer when i was younger but was shit at it and had big tearies over it... apparently. got into footy and was better at that, no crying. i like to wakeboard. if anyone has a boat could you let me know, i'll supply the board, rope and water. i made a kid in my grade in year one pee his pants cause i wouldnt go over to the toilets with him. leah is very good looking. i lived in queensland for about a year. i own 2 cars, very proud of that. im really good at video games. i have a lot of friends that will be happy to tell you that. they think its funny. i have no clue what i want to do with my life. ill figure it out soon though. this is really long. im really hungry a lot of the time and that sometimes annoys people. ive been overseas once, that was to japan, it was fun. i own roughly 9 items of clothing in general that i would ever wear in public or fits. thankyou for reading this.
My Interests
a rank in the army?
I'd like to meet:
someone no one else has
yeah its ok
are lots of pictures in a row
invented in the 1920's or so
are made generally from paper... seen a few fancy plastic ones
someone you idolise or at least think can do super stuff