some life lessons:
Relationships are like traffic signs 1-way, 2-way, do not enter, no U turn, no left turn, but the best so far is give way and keep right.
picture drawn by an artist! lol credits to VY! =]
hey heys!! you been hacked by the one and only, the lovely miss kimiee ;]. back by popular demand aha. hey sweetie! finally got around to doing this after how long.. a month or soo? sorry for the delay =] no hard feelings right? better not be! haha aww well don't i feel special.. im one of the many few lucky enough to have hacked you. hmm what to say about you.. well since ive known you you've brought nothign but smiles. you and your crazy ways haha always there to cheer me up. your the best! such a great guy. glad that i met you =] you still gotta be my tourist haha. and you better teach me how to swim. he's such a sweetheart. any girl would be lucky to have him.. too bad he's all mines! haha just kidding. seriously though, he's adorable how can you not love him!? haha i knwo i do =] wells thats all i can say now.. until next time! t0odles! -kimiee
heyyy heyyy. this be aiko hacking to my homeboi's payge. wellz. wat can i say about stat here... ummmm. i have known him for almost half of my life. so his my bratha lyke dat. so yea. we have been through alot for this couple of years. we have never fought. never argued. so thats why wer close lyke dat. and wen we argue. we always laugh at the end. for some other reason.(lolz). i love this guy. i love stat as my bratha. he was always there for me. he had always have my back, and i have his. and girls if u wanna holla to this guy here, go ahead, u dnt kno watchu missing =D. and guys, his cool, be his homeboi. so anyone who mess with him. you mess with me alryte?! so shyeahhhhh. this is all i can say for now. but i'll be back for more.... peace. i'm outs. love ya stat!
Y00h JUSt G0t hACkEd bY thE 0NE ANd 0NLY!! RUBY.. hEhE.. 0PE SUP GANGStAh hAhA.. k PPLZ ALitt0 Ab0Ut diS 0G.. hiS NAME iS StAt.. hE fiRSt CRiEd 0N SEPtEMbER 26.. ANd hE G0tS Ahh.. tWiN bUt hE bE thE KY00tER 0NE l0l.. hE bE REPPiN dAh FLiP PRidE 0R AS ii Lik t0 SAY thE blACk D0G PRidE.. hEhE.. diS 0G iS 0NE FUCKiN ChURCh b0Y hAhA.. h0W CUtE YEh!!.. l0l.. hE ALL REAdY bE dRiViN S0 iF Y00h likE ridE Y00h GAttAh PAY 4 GAS!! hAhA.. NAh ii d0Nt kN0 bUt ALWAYS WERE Y0UR SEAt bElt CUZ diS FAWAkkAh iS 0NE JUNk DRiVER.. ii d0Nt kN0 h0W thE FUCk hE G0t hiS liCENSE.. hAhA NAh i kidd!!.. diS B0Y iS 0NE k00l dUdE ANd hE bE MAKiN Y00h LAUGh 24/7.. S0 iF Y00h WANNA GEt t0 kN0 hiM StARt Ahh.. C0NVERSAti0N With hiM ANd hE bE h0llAhiN bAQ!!.. dAS ALL F0r kN0W.. k DENZ bYE!! EST.04.28.07