The obvious. I'm Lauren. Living in the wonder full state of Jersey...for now Selling shoes by day. phoneing/sleeping/partying/eating by night. I enjoy what i do for the most part, making the best of what i'm given is something I do, and seeing what I can acomplish is amazing. Im not going to be stuck here for much longer. Selling shoes and worrying about socks isn't much of a thrill. Ive accomplished one challange, and now off to the next. I get bored and mess around with my hair or i get a piercing or a tattoo maybe. I love challanges in life, one of them being learning how to spell eventaully. I'm surronded by amazing people, my friends are awesome, my co workers are sweet, and Meredith is the best
"...Ever get the feeling where you could be doing so much more then your doing now? Well I get the all the time, even when im up..."