I'm a 27 year old man going to school working to b a (RN). In the ARMY Guard. Doing what I do protecting the world an shit. I have a son 6 yrs old pimp in my pics look it up wat.Far as love I need it I want it I HaD a teaste a tease,and A BreAk Up FRom LoVe so SaVe ya HeArT AnD thRoW DiS "D" On DaT ByTcH.I love all the goods of life ya kno money, food, friends, and anything else that makes me happy. I DON'T WANT ANY HOOK UPS FROM MYSPACE I AM NOT A MYSPACE GANSTA. If u c Me aNd LiKe wat U C leave a NotE or SomE ShIt JuSt HOllA @ yA BoY 1
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