tim profile picture


Legend (lej'end), noun. 1. A story comin down from the past, which many people have believed. 2. Leg

About Me

guys layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsWe'll start with the basics. My name is Tim, I'm a 26 year old male, and I live in Marmaduke AR, being located "in the United States".;) Which you'll already know if you look to your upper left. lol Somethin u may not know...i.e. being that I have a bachelors degree from ASU in fine arts with an emphasis in studio. That's right, I've got one expensive coloring degree. lol Now as we make our departure from this basic info, I think our next destination should be GOOD TIMES!!!. I like anything that is in general a good time. This being 4 wheelin in almost any weather description, big 4x4's(79 ford), short cars(fiero), long trucks,(lil dually action), Big chrome stacks, pancake stacks lol, old cars(69 mustang), chillin wit friends(yeah,that's you people), ice chilled tea, and good music which pretty much raps up good times. Wow!, notice the correlations. (Chrome stacks-pancake stacks)-(chillin with friends-chilled tea)-(good music-"raps" up good times) Intentional or unintentional? LOL Now, for the not so good times. I.E. being work. lol Start with my last job, Workin on fire hydrants! Who does this stuff? lol Currently I run a powerwashing company. Love it except the hours suck. I work at night which means i pretty much sleep during the day. This complicates good times, hints not so good times. But I make up for it on the weekend. LOL Well this is pretty much my life, good times with GREAT friends mixed in with as lil work as possible. ;) Any questions, just ask. Ok, this thing needs to be updated a bit. I no longer provide services in the preassure washing industry. I now drive a gravel truck! I'm on my way to having long, white trashy, facial hair and a gut that no longer allows me to look at my own feet. lol This pretty much sums up all new details. So if you have any questions pertaining to the old or new info you can still ask. Be safe, Be Courteous!

My Interests

It's all good times! I'm versatile. lol


pretty much anything, if it's good.


Love to laugh, hate to cry. I'm sure you can fill the between. lol


don't watch much T.V.


Nope! Done enough of that in college.


Napoleon Dynamite, Scuba Steve, Carrot Top, and George Bush lol