~JÄ¥ÇÈÈ~ profile picture


I pull up at the club VIP gas tank on E but all drinks on me...

About Me

I am who I want to be, you can tell i am a little girly, but Wutevr! I have a lot of good friends. I think, they'd say im sort of a flirt, im not, I'm just FRIENDLY! ;-) Doesnt matter though... I'm into music, all and every kind, and movies, 4 real!!! But dont judge me before you know me, because im full of surprizes.

My Interests

I like stickers, different kinds. I also enjoy taking and posing in pictures,& I love scrapbooking, so it all runs 2gether. I am into all music, and i collect DVDs, i own more than i can count! And i hope it grows. I'm trying to get my CD collection back up too!!


I'd like to meet:

Go to: Postsecret.com!!! My Favorite website!(it updates every Sunday!!)


Ya know what? This will get filled up too fast! I LOVE music, All kinds, all sorts, artists,and genres... I LOVE it! If i had to pick or choose,though...I listen to Alt.,& Rock the most, hip-hop and RnB second, and then rap & classic rock, and oldies...and everything else... Yes, even country!! techno, J Rock, oh i could keep going on and on....


I am a Kevin Smith Freak!!! All Time favorite movies: Clerks, and Mallrats! I LOVE every kind of movie, though!Action, anime, drama, comedy, horror, $1 movies/documentaries, just EVERYTHING!!!!!MY FAVORITE MOVIE!! CLERKS!!!


I dont get to watch too much TV, but we watch a little Cartoon Network! and Adult Swim, for the anime, and stuff like Family Guy(my fav.), Futurama, CSI, both original, and Miami. And I LOVE the DIY channel, I'm a big crafter! well i like scrapbooking! so i watch some of those shows...


Im too sexy for this shit!:
~~~~~ ~~~~~The biggest book i ever really read was Lust for Life; It made me fall in love with Van Gogh. I like Poetry books the most, I've read a lot from different writters. I don't wanna admit it but i like teen books. I love to death those babysitter's club and goosebumps books and my favorite author was Judy Blume for the fudge and tale's of a fourth grade nothing books, she also wrote Deenie and forever young which i liked too. Now i'm into those humor books, like the Zombie survival guide and shit like that. ~~~~~found this layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments


I would like to be my own hero, but i've let myself down alot. Everyone i'd like to pick as my hero has let me down in one way or another, but I guess my mother, sister Angie, and my sister in law Julie,for the things that they went thru in they're life, and i got to learn alot from their mistakes and also my brother Ronel cuz even tho he may fall he always has enuf faith or something in God to pick himself back up again, and i think i'll just try to look for somekind of good in people and make wutever it is be heroic to me....