You're probably already learning a little bit about me by reading through my profle here. I'm a joker, I'm not a toker, I'm a midnight... (I hate the Steve Miller Band, so I'm not even sure why I'm saying all of that).
I'm a bass player, a singer, I play ice hockey and love the game of hockey, a serious L.A. Kings fan.
Okay, I'm at work right now... I'll have to finish this later...
I'm back. (Actually, it's like a week later. *smile*) So where was I? What else do you wanna know? I'm totally stuck! If anyone out there knows me pretty well then help me out. No one ever believes stuff we say about ourselves! Haaa!!!
I hate religion, I love God, because He loved me enough to provide a way to have a relationship with Himself through Jesus. I didn't make up the rules, He did. Heck, He created me. I accept that He's in control and I'm not (even when I think I am... I'm not). God loves us, but He's also a just God. Like a judge in a courtroom must punish wrongs, so must God, or else He would not be a just God. No one is perfect except for God, therefor we're pretty much screwed if we're trying to earn our way into heaven. But God says, "You know what? I gotcha covered! You see, I sent my Son, Jesus, to earth to pay your penalty on the cross that you deserve. All you have to do is except that free gift. It's really that simple."
I'll tell you what, I was NEVER into all of this "Bible stuff" a while back. But that's because I compared God to knuckleheads around me who were acting the fool! They totally turned me off! Once I learned more about who HE is, it was clear. He loves me! He wants a relationship with me (and YOU too). It's not about all those people pointing fingers, being hypocrites and phony, holier-than-thou... well, you get my point. It's about God, about what Jesus did for us. We can argue about all of the little things, but in the end, Jesus STILL died for the whole world. But we have to accept what He did for us. It just blows my mind how people can complicate the matter, when it really is so simple. God is real, He loves us, and He wants to have a relationship with us. The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (boy don't I know that myself). Since that's true, we can't get into Heaven on our own, because nothing we can do is good enough to earn our way in. The Bible says all of our good works are as filthy rags. But since Jesus is perfect, and is God, He was the ultimate sacrifice. He was punished in place of us! All we have to do is believe it and start turning away from sin in our own lives (repent).
Okay, I've said my shpeel. Now you know where I'm comin' from. And I know where I'm goin'. Not because of anything I've done to deserve it. Now I just try to live life as best as I can, try to be cool to people, respect people. Sure, I mess up big time, all the time. Being a Christian doesn't mean we're suddenly perfect. In fact, it shows me how messed up I was, and still am! Jesus was SO cool to everyone, it didn't matter who they were or where they came from... He rocked their world with love and kindness. (Though He DID deal with sin. I know some people hate that word, but let's face it, we blow it big time a lot of the time... if we're really honest with ourselves.) Hopefully I can be just a teeny weeny bit like Him. And by doing so, maybe people will see Jesus in me, and then realize, "That long-haired rock-n-roll looking dude from 2000 years ago is radical!" Maybe they'll ask, "Why did He have to die a horrible death on the cross? Why didn't He just kick the devil's butt, remove all bad stuff from people's hearts, provide never-ending chocolate, and party into eternity with His creation?" And maybe I'll have the privilege of sharing the answer with someone... and I pray they'll be changed as I have been.
Peace out!
My IQ Is 140
My Logical Intelligence is Average
My Verbal Intelligence is Genius
My Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
My General Knowledge is Genius
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
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