A truly thoughtful person who has travelled and experienced much more of life than I have.Other than that, I'd like to meet Angelina Jolie, 'cause she's hot, and I'd like to think of her as intelligent and sensitive, but that's all part of the fantasy. The cult of celebrity... Whatta ya gonna do?I'm a wanna-be rebel. I internally challenge stereotypes and gender/sexuality pigeon holes, yet, somehow, i fall short in terms of external realization of said ideals...Don't ask me. Ask those who actually shape culture, or who believe they do. I'm just tryin' to get along... But, I guess that's an answer most would give who would like entrance to "heavan," but who realize that St. Peter has reason to just laugh...It's all so complicated, and shit, this life is not so straight forward in terms of understanding that ever elusive users' manual.But, it's sooooo good when it's good...Thank goodness for love, family, and friends.