ceara <CUNTface>♥ profile picture

ceara &lt;CUNTface&gt;♥


About Me

"Tell them to look up, Tell them to look at the stars" Comment | Add | Message | TWLOHA
I'm never good enough.
I'm Ceara: "Make poverty history, cheaper drugs now".
02.02.08 was quite obviously the best day of my life :)
I would rather write her a song, because songs don't wait to resolve, and because songs mean so much to her. Stories wait for endings, but songs are brave things bold enough to sing when all they know is darkness. These words, like most words, will be written next to midnight, between hurricane and harbor, as both claim to save her.
I'm the kind of person who quits smoking for 5 days, gets into town, has a fit, and sparks up a tab.
I turn every little thing into a massive drama.
Most of the time I was I was a hamster
I like piercings and tattoos, and ponys and rainbows and myspace.com ;) aha.
Thats it for this bit.
My friends are the sex, and I love them mroe than I love cake ^_^
They make life worth living.
I love music, it's proper sexy.
Dancing around my room in my underwear when no-one is in the house is dead good too :)
You know when it sounds like someone spilling their guts that it's good shit.
My profile is white because I cba to change it.
I'm a lazy motherfucker at the best of times.
But I will do anything for those I care about.
I tend to do what people tell me to
I don't like arguement.
Thats the end of this bit too
I want to meet.
Someone to sweep me off my feet, and tell me I mean the world to them.
In all honesty, I just want someone who isn't going to leave me.


My Interests

Saturday mornings. Lazy days. Dreams. Belly buttons. Nipple piercings. The Brother. Vodka and £1 energy drink. pints in old man pubs. Bed. Beach. ♥. Best friends. Muscley arms. Pokemon on the DS. Texts to people you hate in the metro. 2am lip piercings. Acting the fool in chemistry. Frances Prayle. Behaving like a 3 year olds. Russel Brand. Gogin to the stables. Old man pubs. Loud music. Amy Lauder. Sternum piercings. Tattoos. Being so mashed you can't remember your address. Lust. Massages. Stars. Photography. Beca Ripley. Pot noodles. Belly bars. £3 Swalwell specials. Bravery. Ben Jobling. Vibrant personalities. Pillows. Turn on spots. Boldness. Bacci rush. Piercings. Scotty. Beautiful people. Ambition. Jack LandlessChip butties from Winlaton. Chip butties from Blaydon (:. Skankiness. Confidence. Being so happy nothing can bring you down.


The best of the best.
Frances , Amy ,
Scotty , Ben ,
Nikole , Jack . Liam .

My Blog


Whey what can a say.Been over a year now, never really dead good mates till lately, and i don't know about you, but I know I care about you a hell of a lot. You've changed me lately in a good way, I b...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 02:29:00 PST


I would be lost without you.Honest to god I would be. I proper proper love you, and in all honesty, life would be a hell of a lot shitter without you.You make is laugh even when I don't wanna smile, y...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:31:00 PST


This little shit, is my world.My baby brother, my twin, my best friend. Whatever you wanna call him. He deserves nothing but the best, coz he is amazing. The comments he leaves are gorgeous. I cannot ...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:19:00 PST


He means more to me than he appreciates. He will never know how much he means to me, coz it's too much to put into words. We can't actually be soppy with eachother, it's too weird. But I will be here,...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:13:00 PST


The boy whos got me through the last few months in one piece. It makes my day to see you happy, and rips me in half when your sad. You mean everything to me, and 02.02.08, was definately the best day ...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:06:00 PST


Your an utter fucking failure. But as am I darling, so it's why we work.I don't think I've ever fallen out with someone as much as I've fallen out with you LOL. But yana, at the end of the day, when t...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:03:00 PST


I love you inconditionally.I don't think you realise that. I might be leaving you next year, but I'll always be there for you, no matter what. I love you more than I thought I ever possably could. 16 ...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:00:00 PST


I had one of these ages agoThen deleted it coz I was bored of itAnd now I want it backSo leave me some memoriesAnything you remember from me and youSomething thats gonna make me smileI know most of yo...
Posted by ceara [[CUNTface]]♥ on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 01:12:00 PST