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I am a Supastara!!! You better ask somebody.

About Me

Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?: Sure, Pucker Up
Toilet Paper someone's house: No, but I promise whoever in the crew gets married-1st this is your warning
Played Poker with money: Yeah, I got it honest my g ma is a hustler
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt: Yep, you just ain't Black if you haven't
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk: Yes, & there was this 1 particular incident (Maya keep it on the low)
like someone but never told them: All the time, I am the Queen of Crushes (& a big punk)
went camping: No, I don't really do outside, bugs etc. A cookout is as close as it gets
had a crush on your broher's friend: Nope, don't have a brother
walk in the rain without an umbrella: Unfortunately yes, but that was bad business for the do
told a joke that NObody thought was funny: No I don't really tell jokes
been in a talent show: Yeah, in 8th grade some friends & I dressed like Exscape and lip synched "Just Kick It"-Shouts 2 Rese, Darlisha and Bree
started laughing at someone's bedtime: ?????????????
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of: My mom was in hs in the 70s so she was the queen of short skirts, go go boots bell bottoms and belly tops-I'm a hoochie by blood not relation
been to a nude beach: Uh no
drank jack daniels: No
cursed in a church: Forgive them Father for they know not what they do
been called a slut for kissing someone: No, at least not to my face. I see your lips moving but you ain't saying nothing. They don't know nothing bout us
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner: Ouch! I had to do better b/c I'm too light to be walking around with a burnt mark on my forehead
wanted to be a police officer: NOPE, but I'm something like...Top FLight Dispatch of the world Craig
dumped someone: Yea
been hit on by someone too old: Yes but I do not want the worms so old men stay in your place
wanted to be a model: Still do. Thanks Tocorra for bringing attention to the beautiful, big girls. F-a-b-u-l-o-u-s!
bought lottery tickets: A dollar scratch off here and there
made out in a car: Guilty
cried during a movie: I'm a waterhead, what can I say?
wanted something you couldn't have: Yes, we (humans) ALWAYS want what we can't have
had sex on the beach: No wouldn't that hurt w/ all the sand exfoliating some sensitive areas? Just askin'-may wanna try it someday
had the drink sex on the beach: Yep and it was quite pleasing to my palate
seen someone shoplift: Nope
hung up on someone: They were the weakest link no need for a goodbye
yelled at you pet: I don't have 1 b/c my roomate killed 'em RIP D Man- you can't really yell at a fish anyway
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy: Sure have, ain't no shame in mine
tried to strip when drunk: Yeah, hasn't everyone?
gotten seasick: No
had a stalker: No not that I know of
played a prank on somone that had them really scared: No I don't play that scaring stuff b/c they may try to get me back
been embarassed by one of your family: Yep and anybody that knows my peeps knows why, but you gotta love 'em.
felt bad about eating meat: No, not my fault I'm higher up on the food chain.
protested: Nope, but I will get Angela Davis on 'em if need be.
been to an island: Yeah, not any of the good ones yet though
been in love: Yessir
ate jus because you were bored: Yeah
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww": I always seem to be the one to say its cute in a funny ugly kind of way.
Screamed in a library: No, how uncivilized would that be. Gosh.
Made out with a stranger: Maybe once or twice **blushing**
Been Dumped: Not really. All my ex's were cowards. They cheated & waited on me to do the dirty work or played the disappearing game-your loss dude.
Wished a part of you was different: Yes, don't we all?
asked a guy to dance: No asking I just stand in front of him and get my 2 step on
been asked out by a really hot guy: Of course I'm a really HOT girl!
laughe so hard ou cried: Quite often, laughter is good for the soul
went up to a complete stranger and started talking: No and I hate it when random folk just start up a convo and you get lost from gate trying to figure out what in the world thay are talking about
been sunburned: Yeah, that ish hurt & its weird especially when you're the only person you know that it happens to (friendly reminder-I'm Black)
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: No, the frown thats usually glues to my face usually deters pervs.
threw up in school: Naw
recieved an anonymous love letter: This one time at band camp. No but for real
had to wear something you hated: Yes those horrible bobo's we had to wear when I worked at Carowinds. In spite of the fact that they're just 1.99 they do not make your feet feel fine. Can u say pedi?
been to a luau: Nope, but its on my to do list.
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass: Yes, but I took the high road. Stop the violence people!
cursed in front of your parents: Yeah, potty mouth is not cute but bad habits die slow.
been in a commerical on tv: No I haven't had my big break yet. I told yall I'm a Superstara!
watched a movie that made you miss your ex: Remind me of my ex-yes. Miss him-no, he's an ex for a good reason.
been out of the country: Not yet
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk: He was shaking, sticking and moving trying to get to me and my booty.;-)
won at pool: No I pretty much suck, but I won't back down, I will someday
went to a party where you were the ony sober one: Naw, but Maya can tell you all about how that goes. I love my DD!
went on a diet: Yeah
been lost out to sea: No
cheated on your bf: I plead the fif
been cheated on: More times than I would like to admit. To the Idiot that cheated on're loss LOSER!!!
tanned topless: No,tengo chichis muy grande! Haven't been able to bring myself just to "let it all hang out"
been attacked by seagulls: No, how weird would that be?
been searched in an airport: No
been on a plane: No, I "heart" road trips .
been pants-ed: No
thown a shoe at someone: No, hitting is not an option (at least that's what they told me in anger managemnt class -I feel happy...)
broke someone's heart: Not to my knowledge, but if I did it wasn't on purpose.
sung in the shower: Almost everyday, but I've had a little trouble lately coming up with good songs-any requests?
bought something way too expensive: Hi my name is Nisha and I am a shopaholic
done something really stupid that you still laugh about: Mos def-I could tell a million stories
been walked in on when you were dressing: People don't knock no more. Its easy people-knock, wait to be acknowledged, then turn the knob and walk in.
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie: I'm a punk, but thats way too extreme, especially after I've paid. The miser in me won't allow it.
been kicked out of the mall: No, I know how to act with some sense. I do have some home training.
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back: Yeah I was a little mean in HS. Let me be real w/ myself-I still can be at times, but I'm a work in progress.
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one: Can't really remember, but I don't think so I didn't have too many of those.
done something stupid when you were drunk: Until I learned my limits, all the time. So glad phones didn't record video back then.
fell off your roof: Naw, why would I be on my roof in the 1st place?
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone: No, I don't play with scary stuff. 2 words-panic attack
had a deer jump in fron of your car: Yes, but praise the Lord I didn't hit 'em.
threated someone witha water gun: I'm an 80s baby. Can you say Super Soaker?
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge: Why would I wanna do that? anyway my tounge ring would get in the way.
sing: I can do a little something, something. Know any A&R's?
open your eyes underwater: And get my do wet? You must be kidding.
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: No
ice skate: Negative. Now roller skate that's a whole different ball game, call me Tootie.
sing in front of a crowd: Yes, when I get my praise on in the house of the Lord
whistle: Not 2 good. My great grandpop told me that ladies don't whistle after that I never perfected it.
be a bitch at times: Sure can! Who's got a problem?
do thirty pull ups: No, I can't even do 1
walkin in really high heals: Yep, I'm rocking stilettos! Gotta keep your footwork on point-grown and sexy!
eat super spicy foods: Yessir in the words of the infamous Pops "Put some hot sauce on my burrito baby!"
skateboard: Naw, but I admire anyone who does. Those spills look like they hurt
sleep with the lights on: Yep, lights on, all my clothes and shoes on, it just happens like that sometimes
mulititask: I'm the master at multitaking- I have to be. My workspace has 4 pc's, 6 monitors, a digital logger system, intercom system, video surveillance system...etc
touch your nose with your tounge: No
fall asleep easily in the car: Yep, just like a baby. Wait- I fall asleep easily anywhere (does it still count?)
do the cotton eye joe: No, I'm not sure exactly what that is but when I hear it I think minstrel show, black face...not a good look
play ddr and not fall: ?????
surf: No, salt water irritates my skin to no end plus I don't do water that isn't clearly marked with a depth indicator or I can't see the bottom. I stick with pools and jacuzzis
fit in your locker: No
do a split: Naw, however I am fairly flexible ;-)
taste the difference between pepsi and coke: Yes, my taste buds are on point
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Posted by Nisha on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 06:35:00 PST