(¯`·.¤°¤.·´¯)Zirlonia(¯`·.¤°¤.·´¯) profile picture


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About Me

....This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!I wanna rock....'nuff said!I like to meet Fish because I think hes a cool guy and takes no bullshit. Ive had a few opportunities before but I bottle out...Im just too shy (yeah thats right!)to walk up and say 'hello'...im not THAT starstruck! So Fish if im ever at one of your concerts and you see me (yeah right!!!!)...come say "hi" *blushes*ACDC too but I know thats NOT about to happen...I'll just be content to rock out to theyre songs...Marillion...I had my chance too...but again...no go!I'll bite the bullet someday :o)) ..
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I like to meet Fish because I think hes a cool guy and takes no bullshit. Ive had a few opportunities before but I bottle out...Im just too shy (yeah thats right!)to walk up and say 'hello'...im not THAT starstruck! So Fish if im ever at one of your concerts and you see me (yeah right!!!!)...come say "hi" *blushes*ACDC too but I know thats NOT about to happen...I'll just be content to rock out to theyre songs...Marillion...I had my chance too...but again...no go!I'll bite the bullet someday :o))

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Take the quiz:
Which AC/DC Legend Are You?

Bon Scott
A Legend. Perhaps the greatest frontman of all time. You are Rock 'n' Roll. Unfortanately your boozing got the best of you in 1980... oh yeah... you love women!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!I COULDNT RESIST PUTTING THIS PIC ON... MMMMM NICE! OH JON, YOU NAUGHTY NAUGHTY BOY!

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