i like to do almost anything for the first time... common interests are writing, reading, piano, poker, bridge, hiking, walking, walking, (did i mention walking?) chatting, and sleeping late
people who give what they get, people that are easily amused and easily bored, both extroverts and introverts, as long as there's something going on in there.. i'd also like to meet the person who doesnt jump to conclusions yet notices details.. kind people, carefree people, creative people, nurturing yet independant people, pregnant people(it's a fetish lol)..and i'd ESPECIALLY like to meet the person that is quick to laughter, makes others laugh, and can drink a 24 ounce slurpee in one breath with a crazy straw
Myspace CodesI edited my profile at Doobix.com
i play piano at RICK'S PLACE three nights a week.. thu/fri/sat from 5-8...
i've never been in any movies, altho one was filmed on my block once (a bronx tale).. but yea, i lived in queens
every episode of three's company was a misunderstanding... every episode of seinfeld was a coincidence.. now THESE were quality shows.. entertainment for entertainment's sake, not cop or doctor or lawyer shows with product placement in scripts, both from public and private sectors...
books took a serious economic hit when someone went and invented high chairs
ya ever see the movie HERO? it's a great friggin movie.. so many realistic lessons in it.. and my favorite part is the end.. when dustin hoffman talks to his son in the zoo.. "SON, you have to find the level of bullshit in life that you're comfortable with.. and then there ya go.. that's ur bullshit"