god, clean drug free livin,vegetarianism, bodyboarding, surfing, skating sux(only when i do it), Art and design,music in general, in specific hardcore and punk,NO INNOCENT VICTIM,GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, madball, through it all , anchor, THE DEAL, alove for enemies, xdisciplex ad, dodgin bullets, jesus wept, comeback kid, stretch armstrong, BORN BLIND, POINT OF RECOGNITION, zao, slain of myself, the threshing floor, xlooking forwardx, opposition of one, blood lined calligraphy any NCHC band and FACEDOWN BANDS you get the idea im not gunna brag. singer in hxc band NOTOFTHIS old school spiritfilled hardcore, education, life and everything involved with it.....
my maker
too many to mention but definitely not 'alone in the dark'
not oc and not big brother submissive manipulative crap
mmm, books , i like to read (the pest)
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