jacquesjan profile picture


wHat wE Do N LyF, EcHoes N EterNity....

About Me

tHe mOrtaL bEing oF kaL-eL

My Interests

anime, 3d modeling & animating using MAYA 8 UNLIMITED, sports, foods, pc games, swimming

I'd like to meet:

paCking FrieNDs of pLanEt eArtHpaCking FrieNDs of ADNUpeOple wHo knOWs hoW tO pACk...cAn paCk heRe! paCk deR! paCk eVryWheRe!paCk dOgs! paCk rAbBit! paCk gRandmAs!paCkSheEt!!!


HUHAHA!!! anY kInD


sUperMAn, X-mEn, LOTR, StArwArs, MaTriX, NemO, ShaRk TaLe, ThE Big FiSh, BeAutiFul MinD, LiFe iS BeAuTifUl, JoHn Q., HaRry PotTEr, sErEnDipiTy, mY sAsSy giRl, kIngdOm oF hEavEn, dRumLine, fiNaL fAnTaSy, tAXi, RobOts


Smallville! Smallville! Smallville! tsaka naruto!, BLeaCh, aVatar- lAst aiR bEndEr.... alSo hErOEs, PriSon bReaK, sUpernAtUrAls, sEx aNd tHe CitY, dR. hoUse, CSIs, cArtOon nEtWorKs, DisNeY cHanNel, aNimaX


Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, aNgeLs & dEmoNs, lil priNce

My Blog

dOnt rEad!

Invictus William Ernest Henley. 18491903 OUT of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. ...
Posted by jacquesjan on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST