Zombie Strippers!!!------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------Vigor my vigor is what I believe overcompensates my limitation to see myself as what I believe I want for my part in this lifetime. My thoughts are often scattered but when focused are corresponded pieces that fit perfectly in sink that will eventually complete my puzzle of what life beckons of me. As the wind blows I smell the air I really stop and assess my surroundings; I’m not home nor am I in the best company. What am I doing so far away, I contemplate a simple life of mediocrity and cant come to deal with it or myself in it. To be typical, uncharacteristic, average, ordinary or common I’d rather die, for everyman dies but not everyman truly lives. I feel the impending artistic creativity that cultivates deep within rendering hope of accomplishment and leaving no room for failure. Failure is a word that contorts self belief and takes away hope, failure to me is being able grasp the fact that no one is perfect . Breakdown what didn’t work and rebuild a stronger basis for your goal for it’s unpractical for everything to fall perfect. Life is crazy and all that’s in it, the time goes quick and the pangolin doesn’t stop for anything.--- i found this on my computer. I thought it was beautiful. I don't know who wrote it or I would credit them.