Sports, poetry, music,books, Computers, business and making money, dancing and movies...
I like to meet any new people.... You never know how someone will impact your life... Experience is priceless....
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Scarface,The Departed, Training day, Good Fellaz, Carlito's Way, Coming to America, Transformers... To many more to name.
Seinfeld,Family guy, King of Cars, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, How I met your mother
Less than Zero, Blackboy , Native son, Things fall apart
I look up to and admire many people but have no heroes... You should always be your own hero because when it comes down to it you should always be able to come through for yourself. Your born alone, you die alone. CARRY YOUR WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS NEVER LET OTHERS DO IT FOR YOU. Shit I've learned take the advice if you want it.