Music, the community, the kids, and finding new and interesting ways to pay the bills.
I wanna meet the ni@@a who said "wearin pink is cool" and WHOOP HIS ASS!!!" border=0 alt="Banner generated at"
Hip Hop, R & B, Soul, Reggea and Rock (Lenny Kravitz and Red Hot Chili Peppers. They fuckin rock bro!
I like them...especially the ones on bootleg. I support OUR local economy. (kidding)
Boondocks, Dave Chappelle (even the re-runs are hillarious) Flava of Love (HOOPZ is the SHIT) and Smallville (yeah I watch it, Ima grown ass man dawg)
The autobiography of Malolm X and everything else I had to read and forgot in college.
My Father, p.s. did I mention I know who he is and I speak to him daily. Anyone who goesto a job everyday to feed their family despite hating their boss.