I'm an insain iduvidual. I may profesionalize in adult poetry, but you won't see any of that on this sight. I would much wrather bor you with poems about someone I let go of too soon.
I think the world would be a better place personally for me to live in if ev'ry woman would sleep with me! =] I encourage our war on terrerism, and pot should be leagalised! =] I think ev'rybody should have the right to own a gun, and murder anyone they want >] The law should be lagall to take in our own hands. >] That means revenge should be legall. >] I personally think it is not fair that murder is illeagall. =[ killing someone who deserves payback, or even for self defence shouls be concidered at leaset. >] It would give people a sence of scrurity knowing they can kill anyone they are afraid of, or is jeperdising their saftey in any way, shape, or form. =] I also think suicide should be leagall. It should be our right, 'cause it's our lives. And shopping malls should be open 24-7 so I won't have to wait 'till the next morning to shop when I want to in the middle of the night. In adition, Prostitution should be leagalized too, 'cause then they would be cleen, because they would require that in whoorhouses, just like those sex shops in Asia! =]
My intuerusts are quite few. Being diagnosed bi-polar having and disociative identity disorder (multiple personality disoredr 300.14]), and disociative amnesia, and post traumatic stress diorder, and a schizotyple personality disorder; you can say I live a pretty dole leasure. If I'm not writing in my book, or playing guitar, I am udderly bored that I can barely contain myself, from the temptaion of shopping till I am dropping to an all time low, acsesively smoking, and then again pasesing back in forth like a cuke in an asylem.