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There I am up on the stage, here I go playing the star again

About Me

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Visit my blog... GO ON DO IT NOW!! You will thank me for it in the morning. My blog

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Visit my .. store for some shirts and other stuff that I have made... My Store

President Russell-P Talking Action Collectable
Despite what they may think of him personally, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans of the liberal, moderate and conservative persuasions have to admit that Russell-P was and is the ultimate politician. Cool, calm and seemingly always in control, he manages to evade the truth, manipulate opinion, doctor and reinvent the English language and charm his way out of almost any predicament, while successfully blaming the other guy when he fails and taking the credit when others succeed. Regardless of your opinion of " Don Diego, The Politician of Love ", as he has been dubbed by many, it cannot be denied that he was one of the most influential political figures to run the nation that the United States and world have ever known. Personal opinion aside, you need only listen to his own words (provided by Talking Presidents) to convince you of his greatness . You decide. DON'T FORGET EXTRA BATTERIES! Sample Phrases "We need more Asian Midgets in this country.." "I want to restore the art of midget tossing to better America" "I agree, we do need more interns in The White House" "What's wrong with having a kegger party on the front lawn of The White House?" "I support closer parking spaces for midgets"
The Russell-P Talking Action Collectable is a perfect 12 inch duplicate of the soon to be president, right down to his trademark politician smile and studied demeanor. The articulated figure comes dressed in a suit with a white shirt, blue striped tie and wing tip shoes. The attractive red, white and blue open front box the figure comes in also has a full biography of Russell-P on its back. Push his button and listen to some of his more famous quotes. The nice thing about the Russell-P action figure is if you don't want to listen to him, don't push his button.
The Revolution Starts Here... Check out club1127 Check out club1127 AIM me at sigepshsu Lets see where should I start... Im a firefighter with a fire department here in the Houston area. I also work for corporate. Imagine the movie "Office Space" minus the TPS reports and that is my life, only there is no TPS reports. I play bass for a band here in Houston, we are called "Adrenaline", if you don't like the name come up with a better one and send it to me. I was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon in college. I graduated in 2002 from Sam Houston State University with a degree in Photography and a minor in Sociology. Good God that sounds even more useless when I type it out.
I want to meet this entire community. ..
Here are a few other videos you guys might like...
(Click on them to view them)
Purple Rain
Peanut Putter Jelly
My Europe Trip
My New Years Trip (New Orleans)
Death of Chango (A Pinata) Repetition breeds inertia "Don't knock on death's door. Ring the bell and run-he hates that!" How can you put something so emotionally charged, such as love, into words.......put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it feels like an hour.....sit with a beautiful girl for a hour and it feels like a thats relativity And if you believe that we really have free will, then you know that God can't really control us, and since God can't control us, all God does is watch and change channels when he gets bored. Somewhere in heaven, you're live on a video Web site for God to surf. TV makes you God. nd it could be that all we are is God's television. The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. For thousands of years, human beings had screwed up and trashed and crapped on this planet, and now history expected me to clean up after everyone. I have to wash out and flatten my soup cans. And account for every drop of used motor oil. And I have to foot the bill for nuclear waste and buried gasoline tanks and landfilled toxic sludge dumped a generation before I was born. You're not how much money you've got in the bank. You're not your job. You're not your family, and you're not who you tell yourself.... You're not your name.... You're not your problems.... You're not your age.... You are not your hopes. I see the strongest and the smartest men who have ever lived... and these men are pumping gas and waiting tables. You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives to something. Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don't need. Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don't really need. When deep-space exploitation ramps up, it will probably be the megatonic corporations that discover all the new planets and map them. The IBM Stellar Sphere. The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet Denny's. Every planet will take on the corporate identity of whoever rapes it first. Budweiser World. I've met God across his long walnut desk with his diplomas hanging on the wall behind him, and God asks me, "Why?" Why did I cause so much pain? Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness? Can't I see how we're all manifestations of love? I look at God behind his desk, taking notes on a pad, but God's got this all wrong. We are not special. We are not crap or trash, either. We just are. We just are, and what happens just happens. And God says, "No, that's not right." Yeah. Well. Whatever. You can't teach God anything. Things that make me want to drive off a cliff:
Day jobs.
People who think they're funny but they're so so so not. Allow me to provide examples: the "let's kiss the boss's ass by laughing at his jokes" humor
the "let's tell good clean jokes because kids are around" humor...good, clean christian humor is enough to drive me to the bottle (not that I need an excuse...)
the sheltered girl trying to act sassy by snapping her fingers and saying "you go girl" kind of humor...In fact I think non-black people should be forbidden from saying the following words: "crunk", "holla", "girlfriend" (unless you are referring to someone who is actually your girlfriend), "playa", and "shawty". Trust me, you cannot pull it off, and pull up those damn pants while you're at it. Dammit, anyone who lamely tries to act urban should be shot immediately.
pEOpLe wHo wRItE lIKe tHiS sHoUld hAve tHiZ ShOOd HaVE tHEIr hANdS sTaBbeD wITh a RuSTy sCrEWdRIveR.
Flakes. Oh God I hate flakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you say you're serious about something and then not back up what you say, then you really should have your genitals torn out with the claw side of a hammer.
Ivory tower "thinkers". Get a life. Please.
Materialistic plebes. There's more to life than your stupid car and your lame shoes. Do society a favor and please donate your brain to someone who will use it. Things that I wonder about:
If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with mouth wash?
Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?
Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?"
Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken over there ... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out if its butt"?
Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup?
Do they have girl’s bathrooms in gay bars?
Do you think it's trendy for young kids in Japan to get tattoos of words written in English?
Do you think people taste like their ethnic background?
Do you think Mexican are spicy and do you have to have chips and salsa before you bite into one?
Chinese people are you hungry 30 minutes for more?
Black people do they taste like chicken?
White people do they taste like macaroni and cheese?
Do squirrels think that humans hang wires from poles so they can cross the street safely?
If so, do they ever feel betrayed in the last second before being electrocuted?
And what the *hell* do they make of that pair of sneakers?
Brain Freeze
Just what the heck is "Brain Freeze"?
And why does it cause a sharp pain (not only in my head) but along the back edge of my left armpit? I've never met anyone else who gets the pain there (though I've met many who get it in their throats, and in their sinuses).
George Jetson
When George Jetson lets Astro out of their sky-high-tower-house so that he can "do his business", does it just fall through the air randomly?
Are the drivers of passing air-cars warned away with "falling poop" signs, or do they just have to take their chances that they'll swerve in time?
Do the pedestrians below need umbrellas?
Are the pigeons impressed and/or jealous?
Or is there a specific area at one side of the building where all the dogs go, with a roped-off "landing site" far, far below? Are there targets painted down there? Do the owners place bets on their dog's accuracy and range?
When I'm in the left lane doing 105 MPH, and I pass a car doing 100 MPH, why does it take longer to pass it than it does to drive past a stationary car while doing 5 MPH?
Where do bubbles go when they pop?
Why does Rice Krispies cereal go SNAP? CRACKLE? POP?
If Jesus went to Puerto Rico and met another guy named Jesus, could you pluralize them as "Jesii?"
And if they left for a weekend in Malibu and then came back, would George Lucas make a film titled "Return of the Jesii"? If so, would Jesus have to learn how to wield a lightsaber, or would he just throw his halo like Xena tosses her metal whizz-ring? Would the other Jesus have enough control over the Force to deflect it, or would it cut off his arm? Things to do before I die:
Learn the lyrics to It's the end of the world by REM
Go into a chinese restaurant wearing a dirty wife beater and sweatpants. Place an order for Cream of Sum Yun Guy. When they tell me there is no such meal, I will tell them that my wife says that she gets it there at least three times a week. I will get more and more irate, even claiming discrimination if neccessary, until someone explains the joke to me. At that point I will totally flip out, demanding to know which chef is fucking my wife until they kick me out.
Make a phone call to the Immigration and Naturalization service. Inform them that I am taking a trip to Thailand with the intention of bringing back a Thai hooker to be my love slave. Ask them what it will take to get her a green card, and if they have the number of the IRS because I want to know if I can sell her and claim a business deduction for the price of the plane ticket.
Shoot Carrot Top. I don't even think I'd go to jail.
Burst into a massage parlor with a toy gun and a fake badge shouting "FBI! Everybody outside now!" Start snapping photographs of people who come out. Offer to sell the camera to anyone who has $1000 cash on them.
Go into the poorest section of Houston I can find during the winter holiday season, without any shopping areas to draw the middle class. I will put on the worst clothing I own, take a strip of cardboard, and write "Homeless please help." on it. Then I will sit down next to the sign, shaking a change cup. Anyone who gives me change will get a $50 bill until I run out of money from the $1000 I extorted from the guys at the massage parlor.
Wait until I am diagnosed with some severe illness or degenerative condition. Come into work the next day completely naked. Sit down at my desk and start working. When people object, I will act confused. Blame it the next day on my condition. See how much severance pay I can get.
Go into the most expensive clothing store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Spend three to four hours with a salesperson picking out tens of thousands of dollars worth of clothing. Get the complete Royal treatment. When it comes time to pay, ask if they have layaway.
Sue anyone and everyone that I can think of. "Repressed memories" will suddenly suface, enabling me to sue my childhood preacher, my kindergarten teacher, and Desmond Tutu. I will slap suits on McDonalds, Philip Morris, Coca Cola, and anyone who has ever produced a product that I have consumed. I will then request that all the lawsuits be consolidated into one large trial. At the trial I will announce that I was just kidding, and I wanted to gather all my friends together to let them know tha t I think they are all really swell.

If my life was a game of Jeopardy! my 8 top catogroies would be?
Meals you make in the microwave in under 5 min Useless stuff that no one needs to know A college degree that will get you no where Movie quotes from the 80's and 90's 5 minute Eggo waffles in 2 1/2 minutes Ways to waste time ending in "ing" The art of doing nothing and making it look like you are doing something Fraggle Rock

My Interests

Music, fire fighting, music, music, fire fighting, music, beer, fire fighting, music, fire fighting, music

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to have lunch with Bill Clinton. I bet he and I would have a nice long meal where we started off with salad as we discussed his '92 campaign. He'd probably order wine, which would be awkward 'cause it'd be lunch and I'd be a dude, but his affable manner and cordial demeanor would diffuse any uncomfortable rumblings from the other patrons. As we sipped our wine (white, I bet) I'd talk to him about how he managed the crazy economy of the 90's, and why he thought it wasn't sustained. He'd probably point out that no boom can come without a bust, and he'd be right. By meal's end we'd walk around the grounds sampling some fine brandy which would go quite nicely with the Cuban cigars he had smuggled in, laughing about that whole Lewenski thing.

I'd love to talk to Colin Powell about how he could've let that whole Iraq thing happen. Brunch with Van Gogh at his zaniest would have been fresh. I'd love to have drinks with Jean Beaudrillard and ponder the substantial vaccousness of America. If I met Ghandi I'd rub his belly in my best approximation of the Ignorant Frat Boy.

I'd like to meet up with Faruka Balk and just stare into her eyes without speaking, pay the bill and calmly walk away.

Shooting up with Sid and W.S. Burroughs in one room would be a meeting I'd take (minus the heroin). Killing time with Bob Marley wouldn't suck, as he'd roll up a huge fatty and we'd talk about the nature of art, communication and love. I'd request the minutes from my meetings with Hammurabi, Jesus, Budda, Gengis Kahn and Keeanu Reeves.

I'd like to meet the sisters Simpson and Duff all at once, kind of a round table thing where we'd push aside the fluff and got down to the nitty gritty nuts and bolts political and philosophical issues I know they're all dying to talk about. I read an essay by Ashlee once called "The Theory of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter" that blew my mind and I can't remember which Duff wrote "Capturing the Sinai: The Modern Ramifications of Isralei Success in the Arab Peninsula", but it really opened my eyes to the real politik of the mid-east region.

If I met Clay Aiken I'd pinch his cheeks and wish him the best of luck. I'd like to meet up with the hombre that invented burritos, buy him one from Taco Cabana and ask him what he thought of his progeny now. Were I ever to meet Scott Baio I'd thank him for his exceptional work in Charles in Charge, to which I owe the bulk of my social skills. I'd like to meet others, but they frankly don't warrant mention here, excepting how much I wish I could hang out with Tiffany Amber Theissen

Buddy Lembeck from Charles In Charge, Doc the old man from Fraggle Rock, Mr. Belvedere, Arthur 'Fonzie' Fonzarelli and Ralph Malph from Happy Days. The next time you are having a bad day, think about this... You're a Siamese Twin. Your brother, attached at the shoulder, is gay. You're not. He has a date coming over tonight. You only have one ass... I would like to meet a girl/woman who is Real, I don't like game players or liars. Someone who is Honest, Faithful, Loves to have fun, and someone who believes as I do, that communication is very important in a relationship or even a potential relationship. I would want someone who is Attractive at least in my eyes. I do prefer the Slender to Average look. Of course she will love to cuddle. I am Not looking for a player, or someone who sleeps around. I am very sensual, and would prefer the same.


I sing in the shower im horrible though. Anything Classical (Top 3 - Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky, Saint-Saëns), old school Blues and Jazz, Norah Jones, Punk (new and old), Greenday, AFI, Fenix TX, Rap and R&B. Just about anything, I was a music major for a few years in college so I have a love for almost anything.


Fightclub, Goonies , Match Stick Men, Few Good Men, Office Space, Space Balls, Clerks, Saving Private Ryan


Rescue Me, Cops, Couplings on BBC.


I love to read... Good God I am a nerd. Green Eggs and Ham, I love books by Dan Brown, Tom Clancy, Ward Carroll, and of course the classics Allen Ginsberg, Nelle Harper Lee, John Steinbeck, Dante


FDNY, FDNY 343, Superman, and the little Doozers from Fraggel Rock those guys never gave up, Dirty Sanchez, 1156.

My Blog

Men are so easily manipulated...

I just so happened to visit a certain eating establishment where the women happen to wear extremely short orange shorts and the name of the place kind of sounds like Cooters. While I was there eating ...
Posted by Russell-P on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:15:00 PST

White guy's can not dance...

I believe I am some what of an expert in this topic. No, I am not an expert in this because I am just a white guy, I am an expert in this because I just so happen to be in a band and I just so ha...
Posted by Russell-P on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:57:00 PST

The worlds first boobie psychic&.

So I was reading a story today about a blind man in Germany who also happens to be a psychic. No big deal right, I mean there are a million psychics out there, grant it there might not be a lot of bli...
Posted by Russell-P on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 09:28:00 PST

Top 10 things over heard at lunch...

Ghetto Girl: Oh my God! That bum, his balls are showing! I'll give you twenty bucks if you go up to him and say, "Excuse me, sir, but your balls are hanging out." Girl on cell: I was like, "Back up, ...
Posted by Russell-P on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:34:00 PST

Just some random thoughts I was thinking when I should have been working...

Isn't it weird that some small pets make doo doos that look just like the food they eat? I wish I had that talent. Put it back together just the way you found it-- incredible. If Ritalin would m...
Posted by Russell-P on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:15:00 PST

Holy Crap I finally wrote a blog...

I know it has been forever since I have actually gotten on here and wrote anything. I think that has to do with the fact that I am so crazy busy right now that I don't even have time to think. Things ...
Posted by Russell-P on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 07:03:00 PST

I am back to writing again...

So it's been a long time since I have wrote a blog. I know, I know, like I am busy or something... Actually I am. My new job is kicking my ass but it's a blast. Nothing like working 60 hour weeks and ...
Posted by Russell-P on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:29:00 PST

Wow I am up early. Want to know why, it's not what you think

Come stop by my blog to find out why.Russell-P
Posted by Russell-P on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:02:00 PST

I really wish I was a Mexican midget...

What you never wanted to be one before? You a bit confused on what I am talking about? Do you think maybe I have had a bit to much to drink at 1:00 p.m? Well if so then come stop by my blog and find o...
Posted by Russell-P on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:32:00 PST

I am so screwed that it's not even going to be funny....

That's right folks, your boy Russell-Pee is so screwed, this is where you ask how screwed is he. He is so screwed that porn stars would look up and say "wow, that boy just got screwed hard". Yeah I kn...
Posted by Russell-P on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 10:59:00 PST