My Friend Drew That Sick Picture!
i Love it And i Wish He Would Let Me Have it!
Wel*wart its Freaking Amazing!!!
Best Friends Since 4.9.92
April 9th, 1992
Best Friends Forever Life ♥
Kay Sharona, I dont know where to start!? I have so much to say! But, the first thing I have to start with is by saying, you are the most amazing friend! I'm thankful that I have been friends with you since the day I was born! We have unforgetable memories! Its insane!
From diapers to thongs
We get closer and closer everY year. Even after stupid fights! We cant last more the 3 months without eachother.
We have so many inside jokes, crazy sleepovers , orgasmic laughs(literally) and we are about to live with eachother!
Remember When...
We shared our germs for the first time in the backy back for ur moms old green jeep?!
We got into our first fight and your mom took us both outside to the swingsets and we said "sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry for everythign we did!?
When we used to dance to "can I get your number, baby" in my old house in the basement!?
We both lived in the city?!
We played with our molly dolls?!
We matched with our purple "BIG" shirts, and our green and purple pants?!
We watch sailermoon?!
We acted liek mary-kate && ashley?!
We were babysitting 7 kids in a hotle and only got payed $25 each, and left the kids and snuk up to the 9th floor to see a party, and I went across the street to get food and when we met jason and one baby wouldnt STFU!?
We left the kids & went to the 9th floor to see the party?!
We had our obesstion with dream street, linsey lohen, hilary duff, carmen electra?!
We played savers on the play grounds by your house?!
We were ice skating at Taras birthday party!?
We put a skit on from a bunch of our friends in the middle of the street by the blinking light?!
We snuk one of our friends out porch doors?!
We hung out with friends on a friday night and put a stick in the road and watched a car hit it and hit in the bushes, scared as fuck about the guy finding us?!
We went to see Little Man, then saw it again ten minutes later with other friends, then waited 3 hours for a cab to come pick us up?!(it was still madd fun!plus, we didnt even get in trouble!)
Nona, its crazy how many amazing times we have!
Thats not even half the awesome times we have.
Plus we have so much more comming up
Loitering with someone eals could never be as amazing as loitering with you!
Sharona, all I have to say is...
I love you to death and you mean the world to me! No one and I mean no one can replace you!
I hope you understand that HO!