myspace layout - Myspace Layouts
Deviant Emotions: 10,000
Lustful Desire: 10
Vampiric Rag: 15,000
Concrete angel
I am Darkness wicked and evil to the core, but always penetrated with enough light. Upon a cold full crystal thrown I sit, my own Lord, my own Master. There is no way to solve or contort the Darkness that surrounds me. For it is what makes me who I am. So don’t even try, for at my core is a soul that burns with a fire not matched by the deepest forges of hell or the largest and most powerful stars in our universe.
Each of my differences, make me unique, a puzzle, an enigma that is unsolvable and often times course and painful to others. This causes them to fear, nay loathe me for who I am, for I live a more honest life then most are comfortable with. I live according to my rules, and how I see fit, a great player slinging pro’s upon my own stage, with in my own rage, desire and passion.
Truly I am a long lost warrior, a knight standing in tired tainted armor, who only wishes to serve, but to serve the right master. If not myself, then who should I lay my arms to? A man must be a man first before another may bow down there strength in the name of their cause. Out of place, out of time, I wonder across the Mobius strip with nothing but my blades, my wit, and my tongue to see me through. At the end you see me, and that leads to getting to know me. If you are one of the lucky you will be my friend. If you are one of the damned you will know my wraith and be damned by it. If you are one of the extremely lucky you shall know my love, and that it knows no bounds, and shall blanket you in it warmth and protection for as long as breath still fill my lounges.
When I am not on myspace, I am doing hundred of other things here is some.
Posting on my Dead journal
Live journal