Say Hello To My Little Friend! profile picture

Say Hello To My Little Friend!

Say Hello To My Lil' Friend!

About Me

Not your average, typical joe. I'm a spontaneous guy, and I love to have fun. Also, I want to join the Military eventually and hopefully becoming a pilot. I'm looking to hang out with people who are drama free, free-spirited, open minded, non haters, and people with a sense of humor cause I love yo laugh and make other people laugh. I go to the shooting range about twice a month and dancin every chance I get and I'm not too shabby, I like to think I become better after @ least 2 shot of Jose Cuervo :D I like WW2 History and I'm slowly teaching myself how to speak German Ya. Most of my friends are in or have been in the military, maybe its got something to do with me an Army brat..good times I tell ya. But I'm always looking for new friends to go out and have a good time. I feel good when I help someone out and I've only saved life so far that I know of anyways, my sister was choking on a damn jolly rancher when she was like 5 or 6 and I peformed the Heimlick or whatever its called...but I think there is too much for me to just summarize here to hit me up & See ya guys around. -PeaceMy Mad Ruskie FaceWho Loves Ya Baby?

My Interests

Scuba Diving, Model Building, Tennis, Racket Ball, military, World War 2, video games, Aviation, Paintball, Running, Swimming, and your occasional foreing girls with accents Grrr very very sexy!! Target Practice and the list goes on and on...

I'd like to meet:

People who are fun,open minded from all walks of life with a sense of humor and maybe folks who wont mind getting a run for their money in a racketball court :p Also people who like to go shooting and dancing and do some of the other things I like to do


Linkin' Park, Maroon5, Disco, Techno, Classical, Eagles so I'll go ahead and also say classic rock, 50 Cent, Ludricus, Pretty much a lil bit of everything...and very VERY lil country(But its growing one me)


All Star Wars Baby! Indiana Jones, Starship Troopers, Timeline, Hunt for the Red Oktober, All Aliens and Predator movies (AvP included), Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of Darkness (Come Get Some!), Day After Tomorrow, Dawn of the Dead & land of the Dead, The Mummy Series, Wing Commander, Pearl Harbor, Band of Brothers, Kelly's Heroes, Where Eagles Dare, Saving Private Ryan, The 5th Element ( I love Milla Jovovich), Resident Evil Series, Austin Powers Series, The Abyss, Star Trek Series(w/ Kirk), Bubba Hot-Tep, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Man on Fire, Terminator Series, Analyze This, Anger Management, Beverly Hills Cop Series, Shrek 2, Desperado, James Bond Series, The Producers, The Island, Battleground, Eragon...and the list goes on and on and on....just ask ;)


The New Battlestar Galactica on Sci-Fi Baby! Only the best and baddest show on TV! Quantum Leap, Firefly, Sliders, SeaQuest DSV, J.A.G., Melrose's Place(had great looking women hehehe)But for the most part I dont have time to watch T.V. anymore *sigh*


Bruce Cambell, The King of B Movies "Yo, She Bitch. Lets Go!"

My Blog

Check Out My Videos

Just like it reads it now!
Posted by Say Hello To My Little Friend! on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:13:00 PST

My Birthday

Well first of all I would like to thank all of those people who remembered my 'special day' for wishing me a happy b-day. Means a lot to me seeing that people still care about lil old me...old...damn ...
Posted by Say Hello To My Little Friend! on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:31:00 PST


Well hows it going folks. I've just been hanging in some of u already know my trucks been fucking up for the past 2 weeks and its been a pain in my I've been a lil bummed down and ...
Posted by Say Hello To My Little Friend! on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 01:30:00 PST

We Are Back In Business

Thanks to my great partner in crime the great Charles the something, I GOT MUSIC BABY!!! The Show MUST go on! Enjoy Peeps. I Heart U Charles ;)
Posted by Say Hello To My Little Friend! on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 08:08:00 PST

This Months Jokes On Maxim (DEC 05)

Q: Did you hear about the house built by lesbians? A: There are no studs- it's just tongue and groove.   SHOW AND TELL A guy in a store sees a hot woman wave to him. "Do I know you?" he says, wal...
Posted by Say Hello To My Little Friend! on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 11:10:00 PST