Profile GeneratorI'm from Houston, Texas but now a California transplant. I got to SoCal by way of the US Navy which I am now no longer apart of -well not full-time anyways-. I am a full-time student at Mt. SAC in Walnut, Ca. majoring in aviation science with no real contigency plan. It's okay though it's the way I work... Hopefully my degree will get me an Air Traffic Control gig. And so that I may be a more well rounded controller I've taken up flight lessons. However, it's a bit expensive so don't ask me to take you up just yet. Maybe around summer time I could have my license. I've logged a few hours but nothing to brag about. I wish someone would have told me a long time ago how cool it is to fly. You know... I could go on like this forever. I rarely run out of things to talk about. I love music, documentaries, and the girls. Hit me up if you wanna.