Rainbow Kittieâ„¢ profile picture

Rainbow Kittieâ„¢

About Me

The name be Shannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnon. I am a 7 year old In a 19 year old girls body. I am shy like bubble gum. I have 24 peircings. I like the word poof. I like stupid stuff. Scars On Broadway, System Of A Down FTW! I think I have the best profile song ever. I wonder what Pokemon taste like. I have xbox live my gamertag is Rainbow Kittie add me. I don't really talk much but think way too much. I want to super glue myself to Edward Furlong, Daron Malakian, and Rikku. Mint Ice cream, Pumpkin pie, pizza, and pokemon make me happy ^~^. I LOVE to play video games all day, eat, play more, grow, roll around, and play even more. I think The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jackass number two, and Final Fantasy Advent Children are the best! I am In love with: Rikku, Tidus, Yuffie, Cloud, Link, Ikuto, Noctis, Vincent, Mewtwo, Shadow, Wesker, Wesker, Wesker, and more Wesker.Wesker <33.

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